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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. added you now add the neg to me
  2. I me them through Ebay randomly, they have a ton of shit on hand.
  3. werd, I hate that clothing line Wonder what the story was behind the mini scuffle
  4. I couldnt help myself hahah sorry
  5. probably did, but what can you do.
  6. Wasnt their a great flood in the bible????
  7. not because you got caught but because you got caught and almsot in bag ass trouble with your own video camera riding wheelies for 8 miles or whatever, thats idiotic
  8. Well I havent ridden with them and probably never will, and my basis for dislike probably wont change and theirs about me probably wont either. I am not judging them as human beings but as riders, I have never met them in person so i cant tell you if they are this or that but i disagree with what they have done sa far as a riding entity Well everyone has their own defenition of "dumb riders" and that alone will create arguements but if you can keep yourself from getting wrapped up in it then tip of the cap to you. If they changed your life then great, but the again Hitler changed a lot of Germans life and look how the Nazis turned out. I <3 U
  9. But you ruined my moment of feeling lEEt and bragging you big dumb doo doo head Your almsot spot on with the price:cry:
  10. The type of person is hopefuly not in question here, but what is in question is why they act the why they do after sitting on a bike seat. Then again you can usually tell how people act just by how they ride but thats not always the case.
  11. again wAt!!! I could decipher your last post or this one. Did you try and say natural selection will take care of the stupid riders around you?????
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