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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Putt Putt let me borrow your woman for a few hours, Ill show her what I am doing "wrong"
  2. Just play Nazi Zombies on COD, thats more fun to me
  3. IF it is done the girls will pose with their own bikes
  4. I would like to do it before it gets hella hot out
  5. schmuckingham


    I am an honorary Lightning owner, close enough
  6. schmuckingham


    Ive seen you on SVTP before
  7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/334388441_1145482192_0.jpg
  8. Shawn your so ghetto fab!!! hahahaha nice work bro.
  9. Glock, Kimber, Wilson Combat, Ruger, Springfield, S&W take your pick. Its all about comfort
  10. My big black one??? I cant speak for FlatFish but I enjoy instructing and firing weapons
  11. I thought you had to upon purchase
  12. Lower is what contains the serial number so its the only item that is a FFL item. IF you buy a barrel under 16in you have to pay the tax and license it.
  13. I already has one http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/334388441_1145482192_0.jpg
  14. I play COD4 on the PS3 network
  15. Akro makes Arrow slip ons?
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