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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I <3 power whoolies, it will only get worse when i gear it
  2. national sales tax, you get taxed on what you spend. If your a millionaire that owns lambos and nine homes you get taxed like one, if your a millionair that lives in a box and hords your money you get taxed little. I think it will fix our spending a lending problems. We then turn the IRS around and make them watch the government on their spending and making sure its in the correct interests.
  3. So your saying people shouldnt try to branch out and try new things to help their business? Didnt you guys start with DSMs and 240's? How did you get into LSx's? We dont know what was charged and the owner seems to be happy because the car drives better and more to his liking, isnt that worth the money spent even though he knows with a dyno tune could result in more power.
  4. trust me as a business owner i want to strangle someone that makes millions via number inflation and all that other BS, trust me a want to choke a bitch. I agree that its not all Clintons fault but he started the whole ball rolling and Bush should have halted it or at least tried to. I also think as citizens we dropped the ball on our spending and loans put us in a bad spot. I persoanlly think this gov doesnt work, but again thats just me.
  5. I didnt vote for Bush, and i dont have any affiliation with any party. I just couldnt get into the Obama hype, it felt like a Starbucks ad. Yes Bush was a bad president but Clinton wasnt any better and he has just as much a hand in this crap economy as Bush does. His whole thing was everyone in the US should own their own home and now our home owners market blows. Now we have a tri powered Dem government and i think thats wrong on so many levels. I dont care if its Rep or Dem it should never be that way, this gov is checks and balances and now with everything Dem. powered checks and balances are out the window.
  6. I know were Shelby is, i grew up in Ashland.
  7. I have heard this before in the Lightning world, but the AF are never dead on what is commanded but thats a Ford ECM not GM. I understand they can be vary different in the way the ECM works.
  8. So a gain is a gain, and because you only post high HP graphs is why everyone looks at you funny if you posted a +7hp gain graph. Besides you have an AWD dyno and Dynotune doesnt, so you can squeeze more HP out of it were he was using the butt dyno. All i see is the AF graph is smooth and all that was used was a narrwband O2 and he gained something.
  9. What part of Mansfield? Why Findlay?
  10. Guess my love for different builds isnt wel received.
  11. Not meant to be a jab but what a dick post, I mean he was just stating he was happy with the street tune with no wideband. I understand you need to plug your business especially on a TBSS since you posted some info in the vendor section, but damn man cut the guy some slack.
  12. I could only hope for riots, i need moving target practice
  13. His personal rifle was, so that means the one the group used to kill the ambassador was also a 408 Chey because it was the same caliber. The one in the beginning wasnt either if i can remember, watching now to confirm *EDIT* Beginning seen was a .50BMG
  14. I woke up sniffling this morning, not sure why.
  15. read thread title Wasnt a .50BMG, it was a 408Cheytac
  16. I was hust introduced to it via that same thread. I cant beleive people actually post this stuff, I mean are they serious and do they ever find someone or hook up? How dangerous is this shit?
  17. LSx in my motorcycle this winter
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