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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I need to sight this 300WSM in i need taught how
  2. worth every penny when sniping super zombies at 500 yards
  3. very expensive, if i wanted more accuracy i would go with a heavier barrell gun.
  4. Chivalry isnt dead but its on its way out the door. Women like dbags and assholes, and until 90% of women stop fishing for men in bars and through friends yet bypassing that nice guy they have known to be a friend chivalry will continue to decline. Guys have now diverted tot exting instead of calling because there are a less likely chance that they have to put up with what ever querk or quality about you we dont like, thus why they cut out the possiblility of you going on and on about your feelings. That type of guy doesnt care how you feel unless they are balls deep, and even then they care more about dropping a load on your chin and not much else. I am fortuntate enough to have a very level headed mature girlfriend, however some times i may not be the best boyfriend to her i realize what she has put up with from me and what i have done to make things better. The thing is we met at her work and i was a very shy customer and worked up to asking her out ( also reconed through her friends).Now i am not saying meeting guys or girls in a bar isnt a good idea but most of time its not a very good place to start, a few people married and have kids from the "one night stand" and they are happily married. Then again, there is nothing wrong with a beat skeet and boogey.
  5. And i have about 7 inches on you...... in my pants hahahaha j/k I am about 6'5'' to 6'6'' depending on which convienent store i am leaving Seriously though, the zombie walk would be perfect for me to zero in my rifle at 800 yards
  6. "Hun get me the long rifle, they started the walk!"
  7. If it has the name Nick, it dies. Like Who Dey said, "shoot first ask questions later."
  8. What Dweezel, you want to meet my new toy? I loooooove the rollmarks and fire selections on this lower: *Edit* For extremely angry girlfriend reasons i did NOT buy this weapon.
  9. Happy bday maing July birthdays rock
  10. Paul this is a room full of people that will walk you..... I like it here
  11. I do beleive thats a Pink S&W, made for women personal defence.... not a tyte jDm y0 gangsta
  12. I wish i could do at least one of those things listed. I need a good paying job in Cbus FAST!
  13. Nothing like bullet time with a shotgun
  14. Not that i recall, just lots of blood and screaming children or people that arent really there
  15. Upon entering the elevator hopefully with others in it, quickly remove your wind breaker to reveal what appears to be wires connected to C4. Politely ask someone to connect the two red wires on your back. When riding the "vator" all of the sudden collapse and begin to act like your sleeping, its a must to snore extremely loud. As soon as the doors close starting screaming and throwing yourself around " O MY GOD WE ARE TRAPPED IN HERE AND WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!? Then when the doors open calmly walk out, for better presentation if your wearing a tie adjust it as soon as the doors open fully and walk off like nothing happens. If the "vator" is full of men, stand all the way in the back and calmly announce your gay, and when everyone turns around just smile like your slightly aroused and excited. Start break dancing mid trip. Get your phone out and pretend to have phone sex or something along those lines.
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