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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Good call on the getting the basics down with a .22LR, anyone know were i could take a class to learn all the basics and such? I wouldnt have the slightest idea on reading windage and breathing techniques.
  2. Granted, now you get that truck load of sheep you always wanted I wish my birthday was everyday
  3. I have enough weapons to out fit a few folks. My new Rem 700 with a sneaky appearance by my AR ( needs an ACOG somethin fierce).
  4. Granted, now your recieving a golden shower I wish redbarron didnt like getting pissed on so much
  5. I dont need a gun for foreplay, at least not yet
  6. No, but i have been strictly instructed to keeps the guns out of the bed foreplay or not.
  7. Well i got a deal and the short mag will work for now
  8. what am i trying to do with it?????? Not paper targets i can tell you that. I agree with Austin and go with with a 223 round or something slightly larger.
  9. schmuckingham


    Welcome There a re few of us the are on OR and CR, here is much more comfy
  10. Granted, i studied and practiced proctology on you all weekend instead I wish i wasnt linked to proctology
  11. Like i said, she has a clitorous (sp?) hard on for one
  12. I like over and unders a lot but SchmuckGirl is obssesed with an Ithaca over under
  13. What What........... In da Butt
  14. I feel like shooting something
  15. Granted, you are now rich in fake gold I wish my back didnt hurt so damn bad.
  16. I havent been riding at all, and it sucks.
  17. Excuse me sweetheart can you grab the right frontal lobe of my brain off the trunk of this Caddy, era thanks pumpkin.
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