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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. the emoticons make me giggle inside
  2. Could care less what they do in concert, i like their music and it makes twisty roads more fun
  3. Damn, wish the Mustang wasnt it South Carolina....Maybe they would confuse the Lightning with a Mustang
  4. schmuckingham


    We could shoot rounds into a pool or maybe we could play pool but with rifles instead of sticks.
  5. Welcome. I live right next door to you in Ashland
  6. money shot to the face or eerrrr full face i mean.
  7. I listen to mine when i am by myself, or riding spirited by myself, or long trips by myself. If you havent gotten the rythm (hehehehehehe) of my post yet is i wear them when i ride alone and when i ride with others i listen to their bikes and words if we are stopped. Here is but a taste of my riding mix:
  8. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/BikesGuns008.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/l_537d78aef243127c3f623c365169d775.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/BikesGuns016.jpg
  9. I didnt know it was you until we were halfway to Taco Bell
  10. Hey man i saw your car that night and i must say its quite nice and the plate kills me. I was the one with Rigsby on the old ass yellow bike.
  11. Before and after the plug change a few weeks ago it always idled smooth and never needed revved to run nicely at idle. I know i need to pull the plugs to tell what the AFR is like but i can tell you its running hella rich.
  12. So yesterday i was talking to Satan about my little from the start problem. The FZR on Saturday was acting up a bit from the start of each stop, i would slip the clucth like normal and it would move forward and then depending on throttle position it would act like it was loading up. I would clutch it back in and rev the motor till it cleared up and then slipped out the clucth at a higher RPM than usual. Well Sunday and this morning the bike was fine except on initial startup in the morning. Usually i choke it all the way, 1/4 twist of the throttle and it will fire right up and idle high. Well this morning i did the routine and it started but at like 500RPM and barely stayed running but it eventually idled high. So i ride from Grandview all the way to the outskirts of Ashland to one of my favorite roads and i give it hell, high speeds lots of gear changes and corners here and there. Get through the madness and am coming to a stop and using the brakes and motor to slow down so the revs are up....clutch it in for neutral and the revs shoot straight down to 500RPMs and it stays there which is very weird. I try to match the revs and slip the clutch but it isnt happening, i ahd to wrap the throttle almost alll the way around to get it to even run. I get it to the side of the road, and it dies. wont start without the throttle halfway open and it barely runs when i give it throttle, i mean like 1000RPMs and its struggling to stay alive. I gave it a minute and tried again and it did the same thing as before but all of the sudden it comes to life free revving. I go to start off and it loads up again, at this point im pissed so i clutch it back in and rev it way up and let go of the clutch doing a nasty rolling burnout. I got it home and havent had time to look at it. Satan seems to think a clogged jet but i am wondering if it isnt a stuck open jet or something is leaking and its loading up. I changed plugs 2 weeks ago and put a new fuel filter on last week, so any help or thoughts are appreciated.
  13. Appraently my leather riding jacket doubles as a human crock pot I'll take cold any day, you can always put more clothes on
  14. Do you need somone to help spend the monies???? i need a new ACOG scope for my AR
  15. i need to get over there and look for a new bike
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