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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. A N A N D A, not anana or amanda. She has killed for less. I am the only:banana: she needs.
  2. No the motor will seaize from oil starvation ( as it leaks everywere)
  3. You shush Yea i am going to be there to keep you guys from leg humping. You think i am tall, haha she is almost as tall as me:cool:.
  4. I know Mike @ Phillips Racing Engines does smaller motors but i am unsure of his schedule. 614 875 0040
  5. There is a teal GTO with at least exhaust that either lives on King or works on King. I see it all the time in front of some computer shop down the road from Go Fitness (Built Solid)
  6. SchmuckGirl and myself spotted this elusive creature as we were checking out at the Iron Pony on Sunday. He was hard to spot due to his active light bending camo but we caught a slight glimpse. Was going to walk up and say Hi but your were with someone and i figured you probably didnt remember me.
  7. Funny but no need to hit the guy trying to stop him. I agree with shitty
  8. schmuckingham


    Great movie, Downey plays a very convincing Stark, they both have so much in commen Paltrow= in da butt after credits scene= baller status
  9. yea i was the gaywad in the red Lightning fire truck that wasnt racing all day. I know XJ's real well, my old '85:
  10. I meant to say jets and not filters haha sorry. I can re jet and such with no problem but its not something i want to do alot so ill leave as it is. hot old school Fizzer like???? have you been hitting the pipe?!
  11. SO you took a beginners race class and not the class to get your license? I am slightly confused. As for the comment made by Schmuck Girl if there is anyone more willing to learn than her please show me, i think it was a mis understanding of wording. Maybe the BRC1 or whatever would be good for both of us ( i plan on taking it soon but i wasnt sure on what to take as well)
  12. Pleasure meeting you as well Derek, ill be back at Dynotune later this week. Ill give you a holler
  13. Wow that type of stuff really gets under my skin
  14. I couldnt run because i didnt have the truck sorted out in time but i still made it down to watch.
  15. Just saw it, great flick Something happened after the credits? we didnt stay that long
  16. Not going to lie, that thing is PIMP
  17. Rocky nice XJ in the Avatar. I didnt get to race either the truck or the bike but it was an ok time. Should have hung out with the Ohio Rider folks more than the CR ones
  18. Wasnt expecting to have to change filters for weather
  19. Took apart the Fizzer last night to change plugs ( what a pain) and was looking at the factory airbox system. Wasnt modified or anything but it did have a K&N ( watch out for the mad power there). Just was wondering if ditching the factory box and filter adn going with pods would be a better idear. If i didn i would more than likely have to re-jet
  20. Didnt you mean to say the cut off of your coke sales while on duty ( i cant beleive everyone thinks cops are dirty) Seriously though welcome and nice bike
  21. New, young, apprentice something along those lines Nick Duc she will do what i say, NOW GIVE ME THE BIKE:D
  22. I have no clue what you speak of, I am Jesus.
  23. I Beware men wearing ankle braclets, they have bad history is my new motto
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