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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Just posting for those who dont know and may have questions:)
  2. This plus 1000000 I had a close call at a local range when a woman did not hear the call for a no fire. I was down range fixing a target when she shot her target 10 feet away, scared the hell out of my and i ducked and ran to the closest cover. Sometimes I wonder if I ever got in a situation where I had to draw on someone if I could make sense of it and actually draw.
  3. as long as they are 24mm they will work fine
  4. That guy should not go to prison but be executed without trial
  5. I highly suggest pics, if you dont know how here is some help: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1743
  6. depends on how far really, if it doesnt open fully then it spikes. If its stuck open is takes forever to spin the turbine wheel. If the gate is stuck open and its vented you would hear that while it idled, sound like a giant exhaust leak
  7. Go see the show Absinthe, very adult but very good
  8. My same thoughts, if it was carbon it would stick partially open and make boost go up. If it was stuck open all the way boost would take forever to build.
  9. So you removed the gate, cleaned it, and it went back to where it was supposed to be? Does it have a boost controller on it?
  10. Sounds to me like something is bent on the snout. Either the retainer or the throw out. Also check the pedal assembly and make sure its not all tweaked or the quadrant is fooked up
  11. In Russia........... no that works the same everywhere
  12. Got one guy looking at it this weekend
  13. Turned out real nice, I still need to get some pieces to him to weld up
  14. oooh man I NEVER send it as a gift. I thought you already had this optic on the rifle, whats this dudes name on ARFCom?
  15. Wow, robbed of good years of his life at such a young age.
  16. It wont, two different part numbers on CT website
  17. no, they are still commies
  18. Prep the angus for notch on notch action
  19. Came on the gun when I bought it, don't use it and don't want it. $200 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG_0116.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG_01152.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG_01142.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG_0113.jpg
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