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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Parnelli jones FTMFW As stated before they should just use the iron 5.4 in mustangs with some decents heads instead of using 4.6 SOHC heads like in the F150's
  2. I have a Smith and Wesson M&P15 for them to chase after
  3. Last name is Buckingham and i can be a schmuck from time to time, hence Schmuckingham
  4. Hi looks like you need a new blower belt sir
  5. I am rocking these right now: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/untitled.jpg
  6. GT-500's need to go on a diet, they are heavy as well.
  7. I was down there this weekend biznatch
  8. I can no longer swing nuts, my truck is almost back together. Sorry Brian
  9. but are good to have around
  10. http://tapespace.com/view/How_Not_To_Pick_Up_Chicks
  11. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Whipple-34-Lightning-vs-530-RWHP-Vortech-01-Bulli_158303.htm?ref=cf0ad146-0165-4561-ada8-99ff005e58af Lightning and TBSS moved out
  12. Hey Craig i know were you stole that sig pic from.... bad boy. Paul is still teh gheyness
  13. I dont hate women at all and no i am not gay. I have too much going on with my company, riding and getting my truck back together to be concered with the sins of the flesh. Plus my GF would kill me
  14. Went well, there was a major throttle problem with the bike when i rod it home but they came and picked it up from her apt and took it back to the shop and fixed it with no hassles. Talk to Mitch and tell him Mike and Ananda sent you.
  15. Went there this Sunday and had an absolute blast, so much of a blast i bought an Smith and Wesson M&P15. Greg Leach helped me out with the purchase and never made me felt pressured or anything, it was the fact that they let me rent a Bushmaster AR and shoot it. Cant wait to fire mine, but first Magpul mags
  16. you went out with someone that had a dick? ew
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