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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. def not telling you how a twinscrew works, i am pretty sure you of any of us would know how that works compared to a Heaton. I have had good luck with my parts buying. I bought my pumps brand new from LFP and my Pro-M maf and MAFia were out of the box but never used along with my injectors so i got a real good deal.
  2. Valid point sir, wouldnt want to go from the 88 Olds to the Vette. Might have wound up around a tree or something. 04SRT, ill see when my buddy Rob has his "big snail" SRT done which of you two are faster. Remember youll have to get around me first in the 1320
  3. I have nothing better to do at work, plus i <3 Vettes
  4. i dont have anything worth bringing, i dont know any of you, and i am going on a date tonight. Maybe i should just break her in right and drag her to a car meet and get it over with.
  5. That shit is hilarious hahahahahaha sad thing is most noobs are like that
  6. Antwon your car is now the polar opposite of Dr. ZO6's, represented by this pictar of cats. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/c3zxi2lczhkz7v3ls7k43ngcj3.jpg
  7. Well duh the twin screw out performs the ported Heaton because it a bigger case and more efficient rotors thus equaling less heat. Yea a BAP or twin 255's with 60lb injectors and a MAFia get expensive but most these parts can be had used for cheap. Just dont skimp the tune. To OP, get the FAST intake ported by someone local and then re use it when you boost, if you go that route.
  8. And now your a Vette owner, so why shouldnt he skip the Neon and go for the Vette or something similar? Friend out of Lima has on, unsure of year. Thing is fun but the factory clutch setup is a joke and the trannies are shit. I know the LSD units in them are stout but it makes no difference when you snap plastic shift linakage half the time. Motors are extremely stout from the factory (except the tiny turbo and the brick wall you hit when you shift into fourth) and the only problem my friend had was a reluctor ring shattered on the crank which is un-heard of from what i told. Interior is still a Neon interior but with some seats and a nice Hurst shifter they look ok. Mean little cars just not my kind of candy, plus i am too big and grown up j/k but seriously i am too tall.
  9. schmuckingham


    She said she was 18, or was it 81 i cant remember. Once the dentures come out i am in like Flint
  10. Welcome no Ford enthusiastes here that i can find
  11. dont have a wife or girlfriend so its a false situation for me :burn:
  12. Shoot the wife, got it. Just asking because i would like to get this taken care of this summer.
  13. might have to check that out for another A bomb Intimadator
  14. The murdered out OG http://www.fquick.com/images/articles/2621.jpg
  15. damn wish i was going to be ebar my 360 tonight
  16. To answer question Putty...............no
  17. So whats all involved with this course?
  18. Just wait for the skit in the train and airplane, very cool
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