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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I would worry more about that left foot to crotch instead of your weak ass left hook.
  2. i dont know if this was aimed at me but if you re-read what i posted it said "id be dead" not anyone else. I have personally been there for their training and got to wear the arm sleeve and was scared shitless when some f'in giant Shepard is about to tackle me and chew my arm off.
  3. I would agree with the rest of you that said depends on breed, but if it happened to be the two German Shep police dogs outside my house then hell no id be dead quickly
  4. I personally dont like beer so i stick with jack&coke
  5. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/shay2lz9.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/4mwgo47.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/log26905b.jpg
  6. I agree Ill post some up when i get my external harddrive from the office
  7. I have had great luck with the Pro-Source brand proteins, Vanilla and double chocolate is delicous
  8. Previews were good and it has Samuel L in it
  10. DOnt know you or your work but i would say do it.
  11. It has a MOOOSTANG in it, has to be good
  12. ^HAHAHAHAHAHHAA i laughed so hard it hurt
  13. i was going to say something along those lines but i just didnt have the heart
  14. I WANT ONE! http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=GP132
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