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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I am more interested in Riley Martin
  2. So claiming up and being barely able to speak doesnt work?
  3. i have made the corralation (sp?) of Sam and hot chicks, were there is hot chicks there is Sam and vis versa
  4. I like the all black look! Welcome
  5. Wow havent seen a DM4 in awhile. Still rocking my Bob Long
  6. Awesome, cant wait to see it in person
  7. Im scared my poor pickup has no chance against his in a towing contest and i dont even know what it is but i am sure its for plowing. my old account was Emen03 but its SCHMUCKINGHAM now
  8. Got it I just need to know who else exactly wants to go and i can setup a date from there
  9. Hopefully i can get some runs in. Depends on my damn company party though
  10. If i can get out of my company party early ill dig the truck out of storage
  11. UGGGHHHHH tried to make it but the Jack&Coke said NO
  12. Do not tow a trailer with a GN on the back from Toledo to Ashland, rod bearings dont like that
  13. Nice looking ride and great numbers
  14. My old car had 10-13% depending on what brand meter you used: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/Picture017.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/Pics013.jpg I got pulled over all the time and it was a PITA, the truck has a little less than legal: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/SVT/Picture029.jpg
  15. Chuck Norris is ok, i prefer Crocodile Dundee
  16. Ill fix it and not break it, im being serious. Ill be the better person and try to help him even dispite his multiple insults.
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