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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. ME thinks your need to prove to everyone that your better than them really makes your life hard. I have tried reading your post objectively and open minded. I have no stake in any of this for many reasons but mostly, I could care less. All this he said she said crap does not help anyone out. I wish you the best of luck with opening a business and my advice to you as a business owner is go quietly and make your mark the right way.
  2. Hope little man makes it through, that commercial was hilarious to me.
  3. I want my 30 seconds back
  4. http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_0703_mustang_emergency_brake_repair/viewall.html
  5. Cables are snapped or the mechanism in the car is broke. I would check the cable first as those are easy to see, inside you have to remove the center console to get to the parking brake.
  6. I don't know why you guys let this shit stain bother you, he obviously has social issues and his lack of any kind of business sense is almost staggering. Fuck him, let him talk all the trash he wants and just keep doing whatever it is you are doing.
  7. No manlets were harmed in the making of this thread
  8. If you look at it right the top portion of the mural is the queens head or thats what it looks like to me http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1600&bih=775&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=pLtslFMVLLm2gM:&imgrefurl=http://suvudu.com/tag/alien-queen&docid=ujf0TRjh_ZyqBM&imgurl=http://suvudu.com/files/2010/10/Alien-Queen.jpg&w=500&h=322&ei=ESTWT5_7MqPV0QHI6LGFAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1155&vpy=341&dur=318&hovh=135&hovw=186&tx=188&ty=115&sig=108560430087165617672&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=171&start=0&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0,i:193
  9. I was going to say, the Alien creatures were pre existing the "engineers". Makes the movie a little more enjoyable now
  10. Great movie but made no sense in connection to the space jockey history I am used to
  11. Scott I also say go for Invicta, I have a few and they wear nice and look pretty good. Most people buy watches for looks and some buy them as an investment. I would start on Amazon and look inside your price range and see what you like as far as styling.
  12. Had an Innovate in the Lightning, took a crap within a month ( the controller) so I switched to a AEM unit and it was still kicking the day I sold it years later.
  13. I will be there to watch and provide tools to a buddy of mine lol
  14. I have a Shepard up here in Ashland that is a retired K-9 officer, she loves to play find the illegal drugs.
  15. It ended with me telling him to get the fuck off my yard and to keep his shit head children the fuck away from me and my house. Our current issue is his oldest sons drug dealer friends sitting outside for an hour by themselves throwing garbage in my yard, although his son did come over the other day and pick it up or at least some of it.
  16. Dead serious, for example my 92 I needed a new steering shaft and a hoist to get my MACs in. The rag joint on the steering shaft to the rack gets in the way so the rack has to come loose and the engine will have to go up to get the tubes in.
  17. I have a driveway and some jack stands but you will need an engine hoist for this project
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