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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Another example of why people suck. My neighbor across the street is from what I can tell a teacher, during the summer he sits in his driveway and makes African themed chess boards and the winters he is never seen. He has 4 kids and one of them is a 8ish year old boy named Malicai. Malicai has some issues with listening, he runs around the road and his yard but mostly in the road in front of cars looking at you funny when you try and pass. Last year I have Sam and George Demeter come an do a driveway for me. After they finished they marked the area off with yellow "DO NOT CROSS" tape. The day after the driveway was done I went to leave with a friend to go to dyno Brians and upon walking out I see Malicai and his two sisters walking in front of my house, thought nothing of it and walked to my car on the side street in front of the kids. No more than a mili-second after I turned my back I hear two giant thuds from behind me, I turn to find Malicai had jumped the yellow tape and landed square in the corner of my new driveway. I lost it yelling at the kids to get the fuck off my driveway, well his Dad was outside making chess boards and heard and saw me loose it. He walks over and gets into it with me because I have no right to yell at his children regardless if his kid just ruined a $5000 driveway. The only thing it damaged is some of the texturing and smoothing so after i cooled off I wasnt too worried about it but my major issue was the kid was dumb enough to jump over a giant yellow taped off area into someone elses yard. The father acted like it was just fine and there was no issue and that I was just some gun toting hill billy american ( i think he is muslim or some eastern religion) yelling at a defenseless child. I would of thought this guy would be man enough to yell and/or beat his child for such a thing, I know I would have been.
  2. Taking a deposit this Friday
  3. Know what year the injector harness is?
  4. I go to HD once a year, just to refresh my memory on what a shit hole it is. People walking around acting drunk, walking tough in there Affliction T shirt 2 sizes too small, and someone leaning on your car you dont even know.
  5. Yea haha, my sister gift to me for Xmas How do you know I am a demon, my horns are in my pants?
  6. Using my Canon S100, setting was on aperture priority but I cant recall the exact setting. This was my first attempt at detailing with anything but my arm haha. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/020.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/023.jpg Hood http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/021.jpg Drivers door http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/022.jpg Roof http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/024.jpg Hood w/ flash http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/025.jpg Trunk w/ flash http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/026.jpg
  7. Found it but I may need to keep it if my larger one doesnt work out. Is this for mock up or actual use?
  8. Dont fret, the deal fell through
  9. I have a Accufab 75mm that I just had Accufab rebuild, might even be a race 75 let me check.
  10. I will check and see what I have
  11. Got any T3 footprint turbos sitting around Oh skinny Ging?
  12. I would shop around and see what dealers like CarMax might give you and then look at the private seller market. Some dealers wont give shit for cars on trade because they arent easy to sell and then others are an easy sell for good money
  13. Do you mind having breaded cheese sticks adorning the car?
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