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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. For some reason, kind of want
  2. Just because I fap to hot womenz does not mean I forgoet about my hot wife:gabe:
  3. I may suck but your still my bitch holmes Yes it was.
  4. I know, I just felt like giving you a little jab. Bike looks gewd, needs less flames and more drag bars
  5. Title should read "All The Power To Snap A Belt."
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/386130_2881672490258_1513441722_2826505_535219469_n.jpg
  7. Car wont be done but I may go down in the Flex and spectate
  8. Local man shoots wife after wind scare, tonight at 10.
  9. I know a few people on here like to play video games on either console or PC, some of them use big 1 million watt stereos and other like myself use a nice set of headphones. Our TV configuration right now has plenty of drawers and cabinets but they are all full or limited on space. There is some counter space left from when we custom made the counter top/ cabinets. Here is a picture of the current setup: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0085.jpg And this is the location I wanted to put them but I grow tired of them just laying there, all not cool looking and all. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0086.jpg So after some shopping and online looking I came up with nothing until i say a banana holder in out kitchen which would work great. So I went to a few stores and found the one I like the most at Bed Bath & Beyond, stainless and very skeleton-ish so I brought it home and decided to bend the tab to work. The one I bought: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0087.jpg As you can see the hook wont work for the large head phone strap so I used some Xmas gifts to make it work: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0088.jpg Little tape to keep the metal from getting mangled ( In retrospect I should have used the tape and the blue rag because the tape tore after a few bends.) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0089.jpg After some elbow grease and a lot of my Wife laughing at me for doing this I finally got it were I wanted it: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0090.jpg And finally the money shot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0091.jpg Now I am probably not the first guy to think of this idea but it was worth the little time and money I spent on it. I know I am not a professional photographer and no, there are no watermarks so steal away I guess LOL.
  10. Digging the size and the power, awesome little vehicle gun.
  11. that car would dress some nice hair and hi
  12. Younger than you confucious
  13. Got the RAZR last night and setting up my email isnt going well
  14. SO the choices are the Razr or Nexus Nexus has the new Droid software but the Razr looks WAY better as far as graphics and such, even the camera is better.
  15. I can see the stupid leaving and entering Cbus every Monday morning and Friday night
  16. My issue with that is relying on a third party to get me my emails really, If that goes down or doesnt work while I am out of the office that is a very bad day for me.
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