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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Went and looked at phones tonight, apparently the Androids and my Exhange email don't get along very well at all but I am going to do so research before I buy.
  2. Dude I dont know you or Dover but I seriously think you need to leave the keyboard alone for awhile before you say something even dumber than you already have.
  3. I am not against it, but I am against all the re typing I will have to do to not sound like Paul Its hard being accepted in today's society with such a large dick, its very difficult to type and I cant help it.
  4. Wife has the Ally and it seem uber slow, it never works right when I try and use it so I have passed on that phone for now.
  5. I am currently using my age old Blackberry Tour and I still love this phone but its age is starting to show. I use this phone for work/personal and I do a lot of emailing. Love the keyboard and I am 50/50 on having touch screen, my wifes Droid Ally and myself do not get along one bit but that could be just her phone. Since I am looking for a new phone what would you techy nerd suggest for my next purchase? Only stipulation is it must have a actual physical keyboard, I hate my Ipad enough with the on screen keyboard I dont need to hate my phone as well.
  6. I went a little different route. I actually found one that I liked at an auction instead of buying a new one, its probably wont work for every women but my lady like the thought of "recycling" things. Got it for a good price for a platinum band and appraised for twice what I paid for it. However we did have to pay to have a custom wedding band made to fit the ring properly which, being that its platinum as well, was not cheap.
  7. I am very interested, how far is Amanda from Cbus?
  8. Wasn't the power or the handling but the interior. Everything felt like ass and my Wife and I both sat WAY too high to be comfortable with no adjustment. First thing that bothered me after that was I couldn't see out of it very well...... kind of like a tank
  9. isnt this game like 10 years old
  10. He has done nothing on CR, we are not about to start cleaning house based on reputation alone.
  11. Great summer car for short commutes under 40 miles, alright on room for two people over 6". However in cold weather its terrible, battery does not last long at all, heat sucks and snow driving will be most likely impossible.
  12. When my wife's Volt had a CEL issue they gave her a Cruz to drive........... what a pile of dog shit that car was.
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