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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Nothing was deleted numb nuts
  2. The ports on the side is the in, port on the bottom is the out. You have it hooked up totally wrong
  3. Looks almost identical to my cat Cork, stuff like this tears me up for some reason after putting down my long time pet.
  4. Cobra 1.5 belt, no D ring from Shellback Tactical
  5. Wow, what a useful post. Moved to pics and vids
  6. Clear your memory Cache on your Xbox and re download the patch, enjoy.
  7. Lets lock Ringo, beatercamaro and this fuck stick in a sub forum of their own and cant go anywhere else on the forum
  8. tax write offs only apply to certain purchases and last so long. and when a company starts, your broke right after you start it and it stays there until you start making a profit enough to pay it all off and actually make money.
  9. And be broke for the first 10 years
  10. i dont think any of my choices are cruel enough
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