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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Place is the same, people have just moved on to other events.
  2. Won't lock it just cause you said to
  3. I have heard it twice but then again there are two +s for him in this thread. Everyones experience is different
  4. Cleaned this thread up and moved it to the Kitchen, all other flames/rants/problems need to go to the kitchen.
  5. Penn State mostly, Wisconsin is actually a good team.
  6. I was going to say these parts are easy to find
  7. A lot of folks run the T/A girdles but I have had the Jegs brand work fine. I know UPR has one out but its retarded expensive and I have not heard anything bad or good...... I am talking to a guy down south today about possibly building my rear, I will let you know how it goes.
  8. more than you can afford pal, Ford let me make sure the two I have dont have holes in them, one on my car does :fa:
  9. Driving a Fox body is dangerous
  10. How about you buy this shotgun from me you said you wanted back asshat
  11. Paul is jelly his pig of a wheel hopping GTO can't tuck a decent tire
  12. Maybe I have you cornfused for another person who used to post under a username like Trigger something
  13. If I remember correctly you are the same gentleman that told me all mustangs are shit boxes....... And now you own two.
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