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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. And notice they're on a Kawi!
  2. Take the zombie survival quiz and see if you're really prepared http://www.oneplusyou.com/bb/zombie
  3. Sit boy, SIT. Now stay.
  4. and get a 250. It's pretty much your only option that doesn't weigh 400 lbs. It's a lot easier to get comfortable riding when your not intimidated by your bike.
  5. Oh sweet, now I don't have to look it up myself
  6. A 250 will wheelie?? Wow, who knew..
  7. But seriously WTF?? I just left very similar messages on like 6 girls machines. I'm one of the only guys in this city who has nothing wrong with him. I just don't know what their problem is..
  8. Oh ok. Where's it at?
  9. What is Kil Kare, a track?
  10. If he's really worried, it should be about you girl!
  11. You know he's gonna more than make up for it later!
  12. Yeah it gets real crazy and the piss drunk harley dudes like to "sacrifice" japanese bikes.
  13. Quoted, cuz it was so bad I just had no other response..
  14. Was that that new thing called "sarcasm"
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