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Everything posted by GSXRAntwon

  1. Why let anyone but yourself make up your mind about what YOU want to do to YOUR car? I say if you like it, do it.
  2. Same here. Again, thanks for the valuable input everyone. This is what cr USED to be like.
  3. Also Mojoe, I believe I'm correct in saying that if you're shooting properly (both eyes open) the FOV through the optic itself is irrelevant? Correct?
  4. I do realize there are always better parts than what one has on the market, but for the intended use, I think the parts are sufficient.
  5. Thanks for the valuable input man, ill look into the options you have set forth. CR needs more people like you, and less like Rustleforeskin. I do realize there is not ONE CORRECT way of setting up a gun, car, etc.
  6. Sorry I didn't spend my life in the Army, didn't choose that path bub. But congrats for shooting tons of sweet guns, I bet it makes your E-Penis huge just thinking about it. - know nothing civilian
  7. Kook, u think he'd do mine? EDIT: text me lol, don't wanna shit in your thread
  8. Looks nice. Nate do your trigger?
  9. Thanks peanut gallery. Just because you're the president of the US, doesnt mean you know everything about everything. If I wanted your lousy input I would have asked for it. As for Mojoe, from what I've read, the consensus was to put it where I have it. I read hours of posts about the position of the optic, and this was the placement of choice by numerous individuals. If you can enlighten me as to a better, more efficient place to mount it, and provide evidence, ill gladly consider moving it. But as of now, the way it's mounted makes it easier to see out of ones peripheral vision. Thanks Mojoe for the constructive criticism, unlike most on this board.
  10. PM me if you wanna sell the ammo and sling speeratly
  11. Thats awesome, I was trying to talk Sam into letting us shoot up this SUV with a rod knock....turns out it wasnt a rod knock, just a collapsed lifter :lolguy:
  12. Yes the irons are zeroed. I don't think you've done your research on the placement of the optic (red dot spec.). Its best to have it as far forward on the upper as possible. It has a 2x magnifier that screws on to the end also. Its sighted in on a 25m target, mainly good for around 100m. Good for home use and target shooting. If I were to shoot farther distances, Id adjust elevation a bit.
  13. Rome Hilliard is good for Ammo and thats about it. Not cheap ammo but atleast they have it
  14. After zeroing my new Vortex Strikefire. I had to adjust windage a few clicks after this video....its golden now. VIDEO: sorry I didnt edit it at all AR all complete, for now :fuckyeah: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c381/hlfvipr/27B43161-D49C-4DF7-94C3-43994922031A-192-000000073041B265_zps4a3e3a66.jpg
  15. Heres my bitch. M&P15T Magpul goodies Vortex Strikefire GPS 02 http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c381/hlfvipr/27B43161-D49C-4DF7-94C3-43994922031A-192-000000073041B265_zps4a3e3a66.jpg
  16. Those aren't really worth much to me. PM me with an offer ~8% lower and ill sell.
  17. Right now its there to sweeten the deal for anyone who purchases it, since theyre going for big $. If the purchaser doesnt want it, Ill seperate.
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