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Everything posted by GSXRAntwon

  1. He is a rock star. That is all.
  2. It didn't make 2000, Dyno just flipped out http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c381/hlfvipr/E645CFC0-1AC6-4EC9-AD56-01FD9081693C-7654-000002CE35983BB9_zps66d73467.jpg
  3. Kicking myself every time someone posts TX2K stuff....next year.....next year.
  4. Considering they make 330-350 stock, I'd say that's one hell of an improvement. Congrats Chris! Should make an easy 550-6 on spray. Time for some rod bolts
  5. Nice holsters. How do u guys carry and conceal these big guns? Are you big? Do u always wear baggy shirts/hoodies? I can barely conceal a shield and I'm 5'10" 160lbs.
  6. first 8 are silver, rest are .50 cent pieces. NICE
  7. Good view of what! Isn't it all pre recorded music that some dude just stands there and spins?
  8. Selling my Glock 26 Gen 4. Less than 100 rounds put through it. Comes with all original case, 3 10 round mags, Hogue slip on rubber grip, and 3.5lb trigger installed. I have the stock trigger also that comes with it. I have 2 extra 15 round mags and 1 extra 31 round mag for additional $ if interested. $550 CR PRICE Call/Text 614-588-2254 if interested. http://cdn2.armslist.com/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2013/03/01/1163611_02_glock_26_gen_4_extras_640.jpg
  9. NFA rules DO apply to this Pham. You'll need a tax stamp since ull be converting your AR to a short barrel rifle.
  10. THIS. ULL need a lot more than 100k tho, try 5 times that to get u started. If I were u, I'd buy a bunch of cheap houses and sit on them....that's what I'm doin
  11. Drain all coolant, replace with regular green/yellow coolant. Thats the first thing I do (as well as many people) to ANY GM car Ive ever owned.
  12. Charlie (evil8) on here. He BUILT my 4L60 to the hilt. PM him or call him at (937) 974-6658
  13. I have 7 PMAGS for sale. $30/piece. PM if interested
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