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Posts posted by jeremygsxr

  1. No but its a shit ton heavier and slower off the line which means you wont be jumping some of the little ravines and mud flows that he the faster sport quads can. Not to mention a much larger turning radius due to its length.

    Granted, Im talking about Perry only here and like I said, its not exactly quad friendly at that place.. Wayne is fine for quads and I have even seen some of the side by side APV’s out there.

    There was a Polaris Razor at Haspin the last time I camped that was ripping! I bet he was running 45-50mph. It was pretty tricked out. I would say he could have went anywhere I did on my 400ex.

  2. 01929rr and I are going to find a good pig to roast.

    PM me if you plan on coming to this saturday night.

    I know this girl...nevermind here she comes ordeing me around.

    What road/area are you around?

  3. don't get mad ladies, but If I remember correctly, most of the accidents involving cage and bike, have had a woman driving. I DID NOT go and count just from memory. And if i'm right then ladies tell your friends to open their eyes, as I will do the same.

    maybe if we make our non biker friends more aware then it will save one or more lives.

  4. How many peolpe here practice what they preach? Like I here a lot of ppl saying what they see when they are on the bike, but do you turn around and do the same when you are in the car.

    For instance if i'm at a turn off or stop sign/light and a bike is there or coming quickly I will wait and let them go first, I wouldnt want to be behind a big 4x4 so i wait.

    another, if i'm on the road and a bike comes up behind I will get over as far as possible and wave them by.

    do you keep the moto mind when in a car/truck or do you get cageritis?

  5. :slap:

    Dude, when you mentioned this at QSL last night, I had never heard of HID before and I totally thought you said "does anyone need half of an HIV kit?"

    I'm dumb :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. no problemo on my end. I would love to be a part of catchin the phuckheads that did it.

    I have 2 rules to live by, DON'T LIE AND DON'T STEAL. I got my 13 year old son a ttr125 last year a couple weeks before Xmas. Well he decided to steal a pair of $5 earrings from my wife (that he could of had if he asked for them). My wife noticed them missing and asked him about it, of course "no I know nothing" he said. Then he went home to his mothers and said my wife gave them to him. Then I found out about it, called his mom and she laughed.

    Long story well, long, I told him he wasn't getting the bike because he stole from us. So now I have one nice ttr 125 for myself. Hard lesson learned.

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