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Everything posted by jeremygsxr

  1. I hope thats not what mine looks like!
  2. it's doing it while on 2 wheels now. I had the fairings off too see if it was just a loose sprocket, but not the case. I am going to ride her a little tomorrow to see if it's still doin it.
  3. my tranny has been making a click whenever I clutch a wheelie, and friday night I cracked one off as I went passed a car then a constant click started. I rode home (1 or 2 minutes away) and it did it all the way home. It goes with the speed of the bike, more speed faster click, any ideas? It's not kicking out of gear.
  4. jeremygsxr


    She's gettin married? better get this ovary with quickly.... Welcome
  5. xtreme refer to rule #1
  6. lick the snotty end of my fuckstick!
  7. what if he works in a tattoo parlor?
  8. Gawddamned extension cord strewn accross the garage floor! I got off the bike, turned, next thing I was pinned under the bike between my truck, a stereo, and a torpedo heater. I picked the bike up. then, smashed the heater and radio. I think I'm still kinda pissed.
  9. DO NOT! I REPEAT, DO NOT filter your weed!
  10. good, U need a laugh.
  11. 170's on I-275 light traffic, heavy cops.
  12. which stay do you need. sorry my ? was kinda vague.
  13. I think I'm going to trade the gixxer for a scooter and lane split on my way to hooters. I say give the scooter'ers a bad rap for a while. Seriously, I have met a few of the junkies and they are good people. I wont judge cause of the way a person rides, but I can have an opinion about it, and mine is... I bet there were a lot of pissed people on 275 that day.
  14. what if it's not fully zombified schmuckgirl, kill or not? nevermind don't answer, you need no more trouble.
  15. wait what if they are on a scooter. also, do they take the msf course?
  16. ok, can the new zombies ride bikes? and if so am I required to wave as they pass?? that's all i have
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