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Everything posted by thegame

  1. hahaha i luv that movie. hey there sweet thang, can i buy you a fish sandwich?
  2. hmm... looks like i have some things to learn too. im bad at maintenance.
  3. i wear earplugs everywhere except short trips in town. but i do like wearing them. less wind, more engine! i have done the ipod thing too on a low volume.
  4. those pics should be just as big as the other ones Lost posted for me. btw... my bike has 6643 miles on it.
  5. damn it. how do i make them bigger?
  6. thank you. so u guys think i need to replace everything?
  7. F it. Thanks Lost. I dont know how the hell to post pics. haha
  8. those look cool, and pricy, but they only fit 15" laptops? i have a 17" (no homo).
  9. Ive got a backpack/tankbag all in one. But ive also got a cargo net. So i dunno...
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