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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. If said picture is posted then it will prove once and for all that there is a God.
  2. Vulcan_Rider


    can we get back to talking about sara's boobs please
  3. Wow this thread is fucking killing me
  4. I would be down for going to the Boneyard. Anyone else? Spot and time to meet?
  5. yea they just started this year, from what i have seen while driving by they do not get much of a turn out
  6. that dude right thread....stop being retarded
  7. will the owner of said clothes be there? If so then I'm down:D
  8. It's a bunch of bullshit, so much for thousands of tobacco related jobs. I smoke and i know the risks they shoved it down my throat all through school along with the warning labels and commercials and non smokers lecturing me about smoking. It's a choice that I make, leave it up to me to decide wether something is too unhealthy for me. They should regulate McDonalds more than Marlboro.
  9. cool to meet everyone sucks i had to be that guy that shows up in a car for a bike meet but hopefully next time i will get to ride with ya
  10. Yea they missed me at the spring get together maybe they can catch me here
  11. Was thinkin about heading down to the first OR bike night on Thursday if the weather is nice. Looking to leave around 4 to go down and leaving there no later than 9 to come back. I know most people will have to work Friday and so do I but what the hell its only a 2 hour ride from me. If anyone is interested let me know.
  12. Good post helpin out those that are laid off/unemployed while the economy is in the shitter rep for you
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