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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Manning didn't "release" it though' date=' Wikileaks (Assange) did, that was my point. It's not like Manning posted it on a forum. Wikileaks is sent stuff and they decide what to do with it. Manning may've copied the information, but he didn't release it to the public. [url']http://wikileaks.ch/Submissions.html
  2. I'd love to ride it, but would not want the maintenance/upkeep headache that I imagine comes with it. I wonder how many miles it actually has?
  3. This website has an obvious agenda, so temper that -- they aren't anti-gun per se, they're anti-gun violence, but I thought this timeline they put together was interesting. Agree or disagree -- the timeline is there. http://www.csgv.org/issues-and-campaigns/guns-democracy-and-freedom/insurrection-timeline
  4. Doesn't matter where I am, the internet will still allow me to piss in your Cheerios, hippie.
  5. Man, this Kasich guy is sounding better and better More incentive to move.
  6. See, now if I would've said something like that, then maybe, MAYBE, I'd concede that I was crass and went too far. Sad thing is, I'm sure I'll overhear tons of similar jokes at the water cooler from the right-wingers at work tomorrow
  7. [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_York]Byron York - Wikipedia' date=' the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Byron_York.jpg" class="image"><img alt="Byron York.jpg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c8/Byron_York.jpg/200px-Byron_York.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/c/c8/Byron_York.jpg/200px-Byron_York.jpg[/ame']
  8. And with jagr's pic, this thread just went NSFW
  9. Are you sure 'wicked' isn't just a pseudonym for 'that dude'? Selling bikes and boats....
  10. Well, yea, what do I care? It's not MY ass that's getting reamed. Top 2% baby. Need to make sure the wool is still pulled over all the poor people so they think their "hard work" for us 2%ers is actually going to get them somewhere in life. It's not exploitation if they're willing to believe in it. Lulz.
  11. A Former Congressional Aide on The Shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the Consequences of the Politics of Hate http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/yaki/detail?entry_id=80606 ^--- That's pretty much what I've been saying this whole thread.
  12. Tom... you don't really subscribe to an Occam's Razor-type philosophy do you?
  13. I'm pretty sure Assange isn't an agent of the gov't.
  14. That was what was on Twitter. No where did I say she was responsible or even to blame. I've maintained the entire time it was just poor taste. You're putting words in my mouth and drawing conclusions I never made You specifically mentioned me and my CCW in the previous post, and said that I was contradicting my own beliefs which simply isn't true. Just because Palin is pro 2nd Amendment and because I am too, that I need to support her. Just like even if I do support Obama, it doesn't mean I agree with EVERYTHING on his agenda. So while I agree that antigun folks may politicize this senseless event for their own agenda, to say that I'm contradicting my own beliefs is the ludicrous part. I still don't see where I've gone too far though, holding for a response on that.
  15. I'm waiting for a reply from Casper, but since you guys want to publicly call me out... I'll post a rebuttal. I was posting exactly what I parsed from Twitter as these events unfolded. Sure there were a couple opinion posts where I was rebutting Street, but I was just pulling links from Twitter for the most part. I don't need this thread as a platform to announce my disdain for Palin - that's already been well established. And for you to espouse this as a CCW/gun rights issue is ludicrous. This has nothing to do with gun rights and everything to do with the messages people send when they're in a position of power. Palin's message was uncouth back in March as it was today. Not illegal, just lacking taste. Which is why I find it ironic that I'm the one that has "gone too far" and I'm the "crass" one as some peon on the Internet who has done nothing more than basically retweet information relevant to this thread. So, I'll politely inquire as to where I've gone too far in my postings? I've not said anything inflammatory or derogatory about the victims or the events that they've had to suffer through. I said it was a tragedy. And again, I don't need this thread as a platform to bash Palin, I had tons of other threads I can do that in. If you watched the msn video link I posted, even Gifford herself said that, and I'm paraphrasing, "Palin has put a target on our district and there are consequences for that kind of speech". That's what it's about - the messages, not just Palin, she's just the easy and immediate target since her exploits are so readily available, but all politicians need to quit these senseless propaganda games to deliver their messages. Not because there are nut jobs out there, those will always exist, but because it's unprofessional and in poor taste, which turns tragic events like this into the political fodder everyone is salivating to use as a way to divide and make their own political statement. So I still don't understand how I've gone too far, or what the appropriate response to this thread is that I should have had.... Guess that's the 'Spock' in me, eh Fonz? But please enlighten me.
  16. You should ask him to pull the side fairings off before you get there to check for leaky fluids, frayed wires, ground metal, and JB Weld. Check fork seal, chain, rear sprocket, brake rotors and pads, clutch/brake cable. And run through all the electrics (L/R turn, horn, headlight high/low, brake light using hand brake and foot brake separately, etc) to make sure those are all good. Those are my suggestions, do what you want, but I'm skeptical of people -- I have trust issues.
  17. Deregulation... I duuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnooooo. I wanna see details. And the history on why it was regulated in the first place...
  18. We don't know, that's why I said it was interesting...and in poor taste then as it is now. I dunno how that's crass? This is what the media and interwebz are reporting -- I'm just stuffing all that information I'm collecting into this thread. It's a tragedy, but how is not discussing the incident and it's context going to benefit the victims? Their lives were taken, we need to talk about it, in context, to see what unfortunate circumstances led up to this event so we can learn from it - lest they lost their lives vain.
  19. THAT came outta left-field. Sorry, but back on topic... the third Youtube video (3:46 length) Loughner posted is messed up, but I think a lot of the answers can be found there... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHoaZaLbqB4 "Let the bodies hit the floor background music"... lovely. One of Loughner's "Favorited" videos Of course, these videos are almost meaningless until today's events occurred -- Hindsight 20/20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L1lsLU-kUw&feature=player_profilepage Supposedly Loughner's YouTube Channel (Classitup10) - http://www.youtube.com/user/Classitup10#p/a/f/0/3L1lsLU-kUw
  20. No I don't give Palin the benefit of the doubt because she removed it NOW, after this JUST happened. It's been up since March -- so no, she's being reactionary, not "educated and enlightened" Honestly, no... I don't think I've ever said that particular phrase aloud in anger to someone as an adult. But my memory isn't the best.
  21. Jared Lee Loughner Identified As Gabrielle Giffords Shooter (INFO, VIDEOS) Click the links for the YouTubes...
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