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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Aww, you should've messed with them more. "Sure, we're very sorry sometimes we make mistakes, (then under your breath: we don't have the brightest people working here), here let me exchange it for you." (Put it on the counter behind you, peel off the blue plastic, and then hand the microwave back) "Here you go (customer), I'd put it in a stainless steel bag for you, but we only have white and I don't want to change your microwave to white. Soooo sorry about the mix-up, have a great day."
  2. You sure you're starting on the right side?
  3. My marketing does not target children. I can't believe yours would -- unless you've partnered with j/b/ot.
  4. You don't shove coverage down their throat until at least the third sales call. It's all about the marketing. Kev's disappointed with my services because he found out I don't cover dudes.
  5. Well, when she's ready for an upgrade... I'll give her a NE2 discount, I might even let her outta the contract early. Maybe I could get on her family plan? Any sisters?
  6. I propose, we let the thread die, or we start talking about the two other chicks in Holly's avatar? Hmmm, what say you ordn?
  7. Sounds like you got served then because there it is, in writing, above. Whatever CR rep you talked to pocketed the discount you were supposed to have. But if you're happy with the deal you got, that's all that matters
  8. Ok dude Anything so you're right about it. What's the point of NE2 if you're just getting the SAME deal as regular 2yr subscribers? But what do I know, I've only been with Verizon for 6 years. I'm gonna have to grab another beer because of you. Edit: http://support.vzw.com/clc/faqs/Wireless%20Service/faq_new_every_two.html?grp=1&faq=1
  9. The song belongs in this thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=71291 Edit: It's interesting that people have taken a fascination in ruining the mental images of Katy Perry songs... A la: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm_n3hg-Gbg
  10. No, $199 is the price with a two year contract. Then his rebate, then the NE2.
  11. We should outlaw lathes and presses too. I don't want those to fall in the hands of criminals.
  12. You chimed in too late I don't think I'll be carrying an additional mag.. so whatev there, but the fuzz in the barrel isn't too thrilling to hear.
  13. I don't need a 6th poker app on my machine...
  14. This is pretty much my argument for Verizon. Makes it hard to call for help if you're out riding in BFE and the phone doesn't work.
  15. Technically, it's a repost. See the funny pics thread.
  16. I've never paid for a phone and I'm not about to... so I guess I'll just be sticking with sh*tty dumb phones. All you people with internet on your phones Pay more for that a month than I do for broadband and digital cable...
  17. I just ordered a Desantis N38 Nemesis -- hope it works out. http://www.amazon.com/DESANTIS-Nemesis-Holster-Ambidextrous-N38BJG3Z0/dp/B00266AHQ8/ref=sr_1_5?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1295124595&sr=1-5
  18. At a REAL college? Or a community college, or state school? That sure ain't what I learned at my private one... but I suppose when everyone is there for engineering and business -- it really didn't have the libarts twinge to it.
  19. I'll logoff my "Earl" account now and return to the fray. Edit: I almost forgot, M&P FTMFW!
  20. Casper -- do you mind turning off the ballisticreload RSS feed in the live feed? Pretty please.
  21. I don't think that's a fair critique. There are a lot of professional disciplines where it does matter where you went to school and educational level is a requirement just to make it into the '2nd stack'. Esp. if you have a masters degree or higher.
  22. Moot point, people are infallible. I know I am. And everyone I talk to says they are too.
  23. Will I get waterboarded for a broken tail light?
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