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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'm not really a pro-medicate type person, so it's hard for me to jump on board with that article above. But, it did remind me of the video series I posted in the conspiracy thread about American Psychology. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=597758&postcount=16 I think it's the second video that starts talking about the APA and drugs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXx3rXTMs0o&feature=player_embedded
  2. Tacky, Tacky! Tea Party's National PAC Uses Tucson Tragedy To Raise Money Where's all the Tea Partiers at? I know we had some threads where people were going to their rallies. Be sure to donate lest they get squashed by the liberals. Rachel Sklar Pushes Back Against Wingnut Radio Host Steve Malzberg's False Equivalencies ^--- Another I think we've already covered the points of, just further information and more archive stuff pertaining to these events.
  3. We did... posted for archival purposes and what the OpEd guy said, says it better than me. Useful when I need to use the search function.
  4. Some other guy's OpEd Marx, Hitler, and The Right Wing Myth of Jared Loughner’s Liberalism http://www.politicususa.com/en/loughner-marx-hitler
  5. I couldn't find a google image of one upside down WITH a sombrero, and I was too lazy to Photoshop one on that lil guy
  6. It's all about keeping 'em on their toes ;)

  7. I wanted one for my LCP. It'd be like putting an extended swingarm on a Ninja250
  8. It won't let me rep you, but you understand my frustrations -- you may or may not agree, but you understand them.

  9. I think the kid holding the camera taking a picture of a beer in his hand like a big boy is illiterate. Don't care if you disagree, that was never the point - keep looking though, if you READ the thread before commenting you just might be able to make one. Or are you that unwelcome guy at the bar that butts into a conversations having listened to nothing prior because you feel it's your God given right to blast everyone with your enlightened thoughts on things that were already discussed? Add something instead of being just an echo chamber...
  10. I see how you're gonna be...Next time you're turned over on your back, I'm just gonna let you stay there Bad.
  11. Whoa there newb....save the GeekSquad sponsorship for when you turn pro next year. All squids have at least one year under their belt before they know everything there is to know about riding motorcycles. That is a funny pic though jagz.
  12. I think he injured more fingers because the last time he waved to me in his cage, he could only put up one of them.
  13. Hey! Thanks for not reading the thread and then contributing nothing.
  14. fap to a failed hotlink? Whatever floats your boat. Try again Admin-czar.
  15. That's odd, only SOME of those are hippie ideas. But, I called you a hippie so obviously you need to conform to the stereotype of one, or at least my idea of that stereotype. Start fitting within the label, dammit!
  16. I read your links, and they still lean on the fact he's "left wing" because he reads "left wing" stuff -- like I said, just because I've read the Bible doesn't make me a conservative Christian. What characteristics of a liberal/left-winger does he possess? Guns - right wing, anarchist/anti-gov't - right wing, pot-smoker - left wing... and this is the problem I've always had with labels. Just like I'm the liberal f*(ktard on here when that label doesn't encompass my views. Good idea -- where's Pauly?
  17. I don't see how you can cleanly separate the two since it appears to be a politically motivated event, but whatev. This thread gets news links not pertaining the the political debate this event generated then?
  18. I agree, it's a two-way street, but you think it's an equivalent two-way street? I cut the liberals more slack only because they pander less to the "holier than thou" attitude. There are so many conservatives don't practice what they preach when it comes to 'morals and ethics'.
  19. You make it sound so easy... I know the whole 1/4 acre of sprawling land mass I own would probably fit 9 maybe 10 of those trailers on it, but... I'll keep bumpin' this thread for ya.
  20. 1 - Why is the nutjob a leftist? If it's because he's reading Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto, it makes him no more a leftist than it makes me a conservative Christian for reading the Bible. 2 - The vast majority of the 'vitriolic hate-speech' comes from the right, and while it may not be directly responsible for this -- there are often consequences when you use that kind of language.
  21. I want this, but have no place to put it
  22. You could tell by the tire
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