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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. It wasn't really a flamefest until you put that title on the thread -- goading one. Seems like a non-event, for now, unless there's more to the story? But from the "those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" files: Complete Bush Appointee Resignation Scorecard http://thedcshuffle.com/2009/02/11/complete-bush-appointee-resignation-scorecard/ I'm sure there are better more informative links, but that's all the effort I thought this discussion warranted at the moment.
  2. And here I thought Susan G Komen was just a superfan of Robert Smith.
  3. This thread http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=70824 reminded me: So this one time, I was doing this thing right?... and I was minding my own business, but could've been doing something that pissed someone else off -- I dunno, doesn't matter. All the judgments I make about my behavior are 100% the right call, all the time. It's my world, you all are just passing through it. Anyway, this other person was totally upset with me for no reason as far as I could tell, because I was just chilling, doing my own thing. Since I'm never in the wrong, I decided to give him something to be mad about and pulled a total uncalled for dick move. Dude was SOOO pissed and I was all :lol: and right in his face when he looked at me. Ohh man, so :mad: that guy was. Pwned that tool!! I would've told you guys about it sooner, but I know there are SOME people on here that don't think what I did was the right thing and maybe some of my prior actions could've lead up to this douche getting what he deserved -- but they are wrong, and I really didn't want to have to explain myself to them because they're losers too, like that guy, and just don't 'get it'. /fiction Srsly though -- I love the different perspectives on ORDN. Just because they make you look at how your behavior or train of thought is interpreted by others' -- maybe step back and think about it a little bit. This post wasn't directed at Swing'R or meant to mock him specifically, he's just the latest one that posted a thread about something that happened and how he handled it. There are TONS of other examples on here and the majority of the time there's counter-perspective that bubbles it's way to the top. Thanks for entertaining me ORDN Tl;dr?
  4. Hey Bad -- weren't you the guy that said we need a sarcasm font. Yea, /sarcasm font my post.
  5. Supporting shady grassroots charities that spoiling the Komen Bureaucracy of goodness? For shame, Casper. Those grassroots people could be your neighbors, or local people who actually lost one of their family members to cancer -- wtf do they possibly know about charity and money (they probably don't even have any)? Trust the organization with guys in suits and lawyers. If they can afford a suit, then you KNOW they know the right thing do with money.
  6. I had no idea Jesus had Hep A. http://www.webmd.com/hepatitis/hepa-guide/hepatitis-a-cause I know hygiene standards weren't exactly up-to-snuff back in the day, but most people know to stay away from raw sewage -- so, and I'm not saying it's true, but we should investigate ALL the causes above.
  7. Ohio Sheriffs Beat, Repeatedly Taser Diabetic Man Video in the link.
  8. I'm going to turn this into a "WTF is the deal with rep" if this "You must pass it around" BS isn't lifted. I would pass it around if more than the few people I give it to really deserved it, dammit. The one thread I can legitimately call Chevy a dirty whore and I have to do it publicly.
  9. ...only because NinjaNick was busy with kiddies and Kawikid was too busy shopping for more ankle length gold boxer shorts.
  10. Does it give a hint? Rhymes with Smindy Anna?
  11. I'm with Swing'R I drive in the left lane purely for the lulz. Trolling other drivers. Entertaining myself > all else.
  12. YouTube Video: St. Louis Cop Shown Beating Suspect http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2011/01/youtube_video_st_louis_cop_beats_suspect.php [ame] [/ame]
  13. This thread makes me Image = GOD. Money is no object when it comes to bein a baLLer
  14. This is bullspit... Virginia DMV Revokes World's Greatest License Plate Via Jalopnik -
  15. Negative? Most of the stuff I've read, or anecdotally heard, or witnessed (once) was most cops 'on the beat' are pro-CCW and know you're not a goober if you've got your CCW. Ok, you could still be a goober, but at least have passed a background check. Now, if you're open carrying and the reason the cops are there is because people are skeered of your gun - they might not be as pleasant, even if you are within your legal bounds.
  16. 7 Shocking Examples of Cops Getting Away With Brutal Attacks http://www.alternet.org/rights/149399/7_shocking_examples_of_cops_getting_away_with_brutal_attacks/?page=entire
  17. This guy's no Jeffrey Laroque - The Midnight Rider. You NEO guys know what I'm talking about.
  18. Per last years rules -- underage people either have to leave at 10PM, or let Fonzie drag his sack across your face. It's like getting a wristband, but it smells. And that's how we know you're underage.
  19. Has anyone done one of these? A couple buddies are trying to convince me to join. 3 mile obstacle course. Free beer, t-shirt, Warrior hat with entry. What's keeping me from doing it - I hate paying to exercise ($40+$10 parking until Friday, then it's an additional $10) - Seems like a challenge, but not as hard as a half-marathon or something else. So I'm hoping someone has some firsthand experience to at least say whether it was a good time or not -- a $50-worth good time. http://www.warriordash.com/register2011_ohio.php
  20. I wonder how many "Paris Hiltons" there are compared the "Farmer land heirs", both are outliers from the norm, but I'm sure there one side is greater than the other. Plus, may of those "farmers" gets LOTS of other gov't subsidies, but that's another discussion I suppose. And in the farmer example, then I guess you'd have to determine how much land is really necessary for one person to own. There again, your grandpappy or whoever made an investment and made money off the land, but if you don't farm, what are you going to do with 20,000 acres? I mean, it's America so you're free do with your money what you want, but anytime it changes hands (eg. via death, or sale) it's a chance to reevaluate it's worth. Either way, I guess anytime someone inherits something, especially if it's sizable I dunno how you can complain -- it's still something they got for free, like rich-mans welfare.
  21. No no no... you can't get away that easy. You said "the Hiltons" - referring to her granddad. The rest of the family is just riding coattails. What's their incentive to be anything more than lucky parasites? Paris herself only supports more people than you and I because she inherited and spends more money each year than you or I. A parasite is a parasite regardless of their net worth. What incentive does Paris, or any of her heirs have to be anything more than f*(kups when they'll be trust-fund babies all their lives. They don't contribute to the betterment of society, all they do is consume frivolously. At least the parasites you're referring to spend everything they get. There's not a lot of people on welfare that have a huge lump of cash in the bank. The gov't gives them money, they spend it right away on goods, normal goods (bread, milk, cigarettes, gas, heat, electric, mortgage/rent) - stimulating the economy...70% of which is based on consumer spending. Paris contributes to people that are already rich socialites - club owners, Bentley Automobiles, and basically gets paid by people to show up places... that's the opposite direction.
  22. Another forward - "Virginia Preparation"
  23. You're right. Pardon me. I guess I was just having a weak moment trying to recall what "good decisions" people like and Tony Hayward made that contributed to society. Though I suppose Tony does have a legitimate "contribution". Here I thought you didn't want to reward the parasites, but if they're parasites from dead people who made good decisions 60 years ago, then it's ok. If my daddy was awesome, but I'm a pinhead, then I should be entitled to not have to work for anything.
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