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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Too late, I'm done beating my meat.
  2. Food for thought http://www.lawfirms.com/resources/criminal-defense/traffic-tickets/cross-examine-officer-speeding-ticket.htm
  3. I've been going to the dragstrip for the last 20 years... I'm qualified to judge speeds from near triple digits up to 330mph
  4. No, they HAVE legal recourse... it's just not a very good process for people that have to work and do other shit for a living than spend it in the court system (ala what the flat fish said) -- so most people are better off economically, by just paying it. I bet this guy spent $1000+ (maybe closer to $2k-$3k) just going through the appeals processes to get it to the Ohio Supreme Court. This will be an expensive ticket for him and set a dangerous legal precedent for the rest of us.
  5. I suppose now we'll be able to subpoena the officers' visits to the optometrists office... if they aren't going to need a calibrated radar or laser, the cop should at least have his eyes calibrated.
  6. I have a HUGE problem with this, only because in this application it is ripe for abuse with no independent recourse. Not that ANY police officer has ever lied under oath to get a petty minor misdemeanor offense conviction This puts the burden on the defense to destroy the officers credibility -- if that's what they want, I'm sure there are some rich bastards out there with more money than brains that'll be able to knock the 'holier than thou' attitude of one of these abusive cops down a peg or two. A few court demonstrations, a background check, and/or maybe even a private eye following an officer for a day or two should be enough to show a lack of credibility. I'm not saying this can't be defeated, I'm just saying it'll take an awful lot of legwork to get it done -- so now you're at a standoff to see who really wants it more... this isn't justice, this is how the gov't is going to start making money without printing it or taxing it.
  7. Wow. You're right, that IS bullshit. Right from the Ohio Supreme Court: http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/PIO/summaries/2010/0602/091069.asp
  8. What's your secret to staying unmarried into your thirties? Please share this wisdom...
  9. Cut the guy some slack, it's a $100k corvette... It's not like he drove a $1.6M Bugatti into a lake for no reason at all.
  10. More like 17 sec of fame... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y
  11. I still see no title, no cuffs, and no boobs... this thread has almost dried up.
  12. If it makes you feel any better, we disagree on caliber... .357 Sig / .40 FTW
  13. If it's any consolation, you're really 10 years younger than I thought you look.
  14. If that's the lifestyle you want... go live it.
  15. Looks like the heart of the beast is still good... make a helluva kit car or engine swap
  16. Nope... everything was on tape, saved his ass that time. This is too recent to be the case: http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/local/Amherst-intruder-had-twice-legal-BAC But, same result.
  17. They played a tape of a guy that did that in our class to demonstrate that point. Except the "robber" was a drunk guy who thought he was breaking into his own house -- as soon as he busted through the door (old man yelling the entire time that he had a gun and would use it to protect his family) -- got a close range 12 gauge to center mass and killed the guy. But I digress...for me, I think that'd 911 call would probably be used against me because I wouldn't be screaming or yelling, I'd be saying it calmly -- like a robot programmed to say what I have to in order to justify the shooting, legally. People are really harsh to judge others in a situation like that (or how you react at a funeral) -- different people cope in different ways, and I'm sure I'd be judged a cold hearted bastard. Not to mention I wouldn't want to giveaway my position.
  18. Maybe he was smoking those new Eco-Friendly 'Green' cigarettes the Marlboro makes. New Eco-Friendly Cigarettes
  19. She could always get a HiPoint, scary like a gun, but with all the lethal force of a tire thumper if you throw it at the dudes head. I keeeeeed
  20. I didn't ask you I've got all the confidence in the world you could. I believe I'm capable also because I don't have emotions when it comes to other humans, I am Fonz's "Spockboy" afterall. I'd have more trouble shooting a deer than I would a person of free will that chose to put themselves in a situation (and my subsequent pistol sights) that warranted lethal force.
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