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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Just before the rest of the cheeky comments about the French inevitably roll in. http://www.cracked.com/article_18409_the-5-most-statistically-full-shit-national-stereotypes.html (No, I'm not of French heritage either)
  2. I agree. I think you want to get us all riled up over that fact. But, as an 'unwilling listener' you can't go out into the public domain and tell people to STFU. Even if YOU don't want to listen, in the public domain, saying "God Hates Fags" or "Thank God for dead soldiers" isn't necessarily directed AT you, it's for the general public consumption within earshot. This is also why I can't go out into the public domain and complain about someones bumper sticker as 'eye pollution' and force them to remove it from their car after I've communicated that I don't like it. Here's basically want it boils down to. Public property, free speech - OK. Public property, using a megaphone, free speech - not OK. http://legallegacy.wordpress.com/
  3. Nothing to debate... I agree. Multiple unwanted faxes is harassment.
  4. ^^--- It'd be a single axis accelerometer. Fore/aft only to prevent the garage tipover situation. You'd also only need to program the ECU to read the -neg axis value (decel). But even with all that "logic", I wouldn't get too crazy doing stoppies.
  5. Wrong... they're just somebody ELSE's moral and financial burden.
  6. *sigh of relief* I was worried I was gonna get da AIDS from you.
  7. Lakewood? Are you gay? ...not that I have anything against that, I mean, to each their own.
  8. DVD for RE is definitely better - they really frown upon people that masturbate in the theaters.
  9. Resident Evil FTW. I would do sooo many bad things to Milla Jovavich
  10. Michelin Pilot Powers 2ct - I like them, and I'm a cheapass (so get them when they're on sale).
  11. Disclaimer


    Yes, it did. I really hope Hemi Cuda wins it. Srsly.
  12. Get everything in pink... it lets EVERYONE know you're a chick, and it's super easy to resale that on the market. */sarcasm
  13. I know. I just couldn't help myself.
  14. I could see how that's totally your fault tbutera
  15. Calling Jcroz an expert at speeding tickets is like calling someone flipping burgers at Burger King a gourmet chef. The experts are the ones with the CLEAN records or with piss ant violations (indicating a plea). You're doin' it right.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnzYG0ZkrXg&feature=related ^--- this is where this thread is going.
  17. Dude... did anyone notice Cheech is holding a freakin' Koala bear in his avatar?!
  18. Like... the LaGrange? Rt. 301 Lagrange? With the roundabout, a McDonalds, an IGA, and Scoreboards Bar?
  19. ...Or you could take the glass half full approach and say we use optical enhancement devices. My robot vision >> yours. *beep boop beep beep*
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