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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I dunno if I should be upset I don't get the joke, or if I should be happy I only spent 12 weeks doing SQL programming as a required course in college.
  2. Maybe I would... but I'm not the one on here with the anti-government social services message either. I favor unemployment benefits and welfare because I understand they have merits in the majority of cases. Though, to be fair, I'm sure SOME of those people are lazy (out of the entire unemployment crowd - not on ORDN). The anti-government rhetoric just makes them lazy AND hypocritical.
  3. Don't burn your pitchforks yet folks... I think gearman was being sarcastic. That's a lost art around here...
  4. I'm not real familiar with new passcar regs, but commercial vehicles just went through their new emissions Tier requirements for 2010. Adds about $10k extra per truck than old emissions. If there are regs for 2014, then it's because they need MANY MANY years to implement and test the emissions systems necessary to meet the regs and keep costs down. You have to phase in everything or you'd crash the supply chain.
  5. Of all the meme's .... that's pretty much my least favorite. I hate DBZ and the nerds that follow it (even bigger nerds than me).
  6. Sounds like no one is going then...? Flaker.
  7. E-mail confirms shipment out today... now the waiting game.
  8. They actually do exist... in Japan. I guess calling them 'men' is stretching it a little bit. They're 'older kids'
  9. To be fair, a 250 under a 135# guy will feel a bit more 'peppy' than if it's under a 300#er
  10. Yea, like I said, I'll be a lil musky, but I might stop out around 7ish to shoot the sh*t if I know a few ORDN guys are gonna be there. I could take or leave the rest of the crowd that shows up.
  11. Disappointed the you guys weren't all over this. http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/04/rep-hank-johnson-i-fear-the-island-of-guam-will-capsize.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZczIgVXjg&feature=player_embedded The office claims that the congressman is a "tremendous deadpan -- and that he was using a facetious metaphor." Statement from his spokesman below I am skeptical... but his bio says he has a law degreehttp://hankjohnson.house.gov/about/about.shtml Thoughts?
  12. On the forum I run... I messed with the word censoring settings. the = testicles and = your mom Didn't take long for the few members to figure that out.
  13. I could swing by to hang out, but I'll be smelly from the gym and won't stay long.
  14. Holy crap, did anyone else see Cheech is holding a koala bear?!
  15. Weekling (I guess)... But she's idling funny when I rode into work today. I'm hoping it's not water in the tank.
  16. I was planning on it.
  17. Are we stopping places to take ride pics?
  18. My going rate for a Tshirt is whatever a shop rag of equivalent size is going for at the time. Since that's where they all end up anyway.. Unless it's a super-sweet shirt that I believe in. Like an Ohio Riders shirt.
  19. Actual shirts from the Presidential Office that are being voted on regarding the passing of the legislation. http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/fbtshirtpoll My favorite choice: Oval Office has a sense of humor.
  20. Apparently I missed a few details on this story. I thought one of the wacko Church members assaulted the funeral people - like legitimately broke some law of physical violence or trespassing of sorts. That's not the case? "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Constitutionally, they have a right to be dicks. That's what the Constitution is about - protecting people who aren't of the popular opinion. Yea, it's poor taste, and they're sick sons of bitches for doing it... but, it's just words. You just have to trust people like that will somehow get their comeuppance through some other means of conveyance (karma, divine intervention, the grille of a Freightliner), rather than the law.
  21. I'd retract it, but I already hit the button
  22. No.. they don't. Neither do the 1000s.
  23. If you can't wave and someone waves at you, proper etiquette dictates that because you're on a Japanese sportbike, you have to hold in the clutch and twist the throttle, bouncing your bike off the rev limiter for no less than 5 full seconds if at a stop, or 3 full seconds if moving. If moving you're also obliged to pop a wheelie after the 3 seconds are complete.
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