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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Yea, idiot. Too late for me. My life is pretty much integrated. That being said, I've got my privacy settings on lockdown and follow the friend request thing pretty strictly. Either way, it's not like you can REALLY hide from anything, it's just how much effort and hoops do you make your stalker(s) jump through before they get to you.
  2. Guess it depends... for me, it's a lot easier to fit a hanging out in if it's only 20 mins away vs. an hour+ away. It's the difference between a couple hours in the afternoon vs. a whole day. I'm not riding an hour to hang out for an hour to ride back another hour.
  3. Hopefully google hits on that... what a nice guy I am
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_crawler
  5. Every year we talk about doing NEO stuff, but there's never enough participation or the ball just gets dropped - and the few diehards that DO want to get together, slab it down to Cbus to hang with them. If you want to do the legwork to organize everything only to be let down at the last minute... have at it. If you have a cookout at your place, I'll be there - that's only a 10 min ride for me, but I bet a lot of the east siders won't. We'll start having bike nights at QSL soon enough - most of the time the crew meets at the QSL in Valley View, but occasionally a few of us ultra westsiders will do one at Sheffield
  6. As long as they're not like the skeletons of the 12 yr old boys you have in yours... I'll be ok I don't have anything to hide really. No criminal record, no unpaid debts... there just aren't a lot of people that get my darker sense of humor, and when you live in a pretty uptight society, I kind of curtail that in public. And, HR people (even the ones that aren't uptight) generally are at the mercy of uptight policies written by higher ups... and they probably frown upon jokes about race and bestiality. I dunno though - I haven't officially checked.
  7. I'm as paranoid as my luck is.... horribly.
  8. Yeeeeeeaaaaaa....... I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to come in on the weekend.
  9. Yea... mostly the latter. Potential employers know how to Google
  10. Then I want a username change. Probably too little too late now...
  11. As long as Google can't index all the threads like it used to be able to.
  12. NO FLIPPING WAY!!!! It's back.....!!!!
  13. Hi, I'm from Columbia gas, you owe us money too. PM me your DOB, SSN, and Credit Card number plz.
  14. ^--- lulz. Kinda makes that 1960s article posted the other day look progressive...
  15. Which P90X tape did you do?

  16. http://www.cracked.com/article_18409_the-5-most-statistically-full-shit-national-stereotypes.html
  17. Fatty McGee, you're the fattest.
  18. In additional to hovercrafts and airboats, I'd like to try this once - Watercross, what you do with your snowmobile in the summer. I've seen them skip across ponds every now and again as a one-time showboat-type thing, but this makes jet skis look amateur. http://www.iwausa.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2M2kyaS5Qs&feature=player_embedded WTF is wrong with me, I HATE the water and all the cool stuff I've posted is water-related.
  19. Hey thanks! You too lover! :)

  20. I'm lukewarm on warranties though... it's one thing to stand behind a quality product, it's another to use a warranty as a selling tool to get people to buy crap and just keep fixing it for them.
  21. Welcome Besides, what better way to get thread views up than to turn it political and stir the pot a little?
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