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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Just for the record, regarding my previous post... That's not to say there isn't a difference between unemployment and welfare - there is, but either way... I try to not rag on people and their situations because I'm not in their shoes. I also never know if I'll ever need one of those safety nets either, so I don't spend too much time worrying about the cost of some of these programs, though I do worry about their effectiveness, which I suppose is related to costs. Are there people that abuse it? Yes. But, there are cops that abuse their power too and yet we don't disband all police forces.... you need to identify the people committing fraud and abusing the system and deal with them accordingly.
  2. No see, that's the thing with unemployment... 1) A lot of the people collecting it are hypocrites. They'll say they don't want to collect payment from the gubmint - they'll tell you they're 'better than that' to mooch off the gov't, and drone on and on about the 'welfare scum' that collects it - though they aren't part of 'that group' (oh no), everyone else is. But, they're also too good for a minimum wage job, or a drastic pay cut from where they used to be. 2) Economically, there's a perverse incentive to STAY on unemployment since your unemployment check is based on your past wages (last 1-2 years, I think?)... you take a minimum wage job, you lose unemployment, which not only is probably less net money, but it'll affect any future unemployment by driving your average wage down per the unemployment formula. So, it's a lose-lose. The only way I can figure that this isn't a perverse incentive is that the government doesn't want people being underemployed because in the grand scheme, that's just as bad. It will drive the people that don't have the skills for a higher-paying jobs out of work, and those people are probably the most likely to need the structure in their lives - I dunno, I'm not a psychologist. I could do more research if I cared or someone wants to debate it with me. Regardless of derailing the thread, I'd apologize, but Dave is getting free bumpage from it... so, I'm not really that sorry.
  3. $10/hr for back-breaking labor... you realize this is America right? That's not what we do here... Can I get your application in Spanish?
  4. Someone point me to the Lifetime Warranty statement on the Rugers? I know my S&W semi-auto has a LT Warranty, but my Ruger revolver did not.
  5. Are you serious!? I'd be pissed if it was anything 'Heff' related. WTF is wrong with the boys' parents that thought that's appropriate for their son to get and give? They HAD to take him shopping, or some 'responsible adult' had to aid in any purchases....
  6. Welcome. It appears you have a macro virus on your computer... every time you put a period at the end of a statement, the spacebar quits working. Also, I think your shift keys may be broken, but per your sig... the Caps Lock works.
  7. I see you've been hanging with Garrett
  8. Anal @ 9? WTF is this world coming to?
  9. Don't lie You were popping 140mph whoolies on both bikes and lost it.
  10. I'd give her a good tea-bagging the night prior, backhand her if she doth protest too much.
  11. I've seen Faster. It was a good flick.
  12. I wanna know what the customer had to say about his truck.
  13. It's not sunk... it's IN THE BANK. :fistpump:
  14. So, are you finally admitting RCA is the way to go - from a strictly financial gain standpoint (my point to begin with)?
  15. Like I said, the CC's are just backup. I might use them once or twice a year for some purchase where my debit won't work - which is why I won't pay an annual fee to keep them.... but most debit are VISA/Matercard based, so if they take debit, they'll take my card. It functions like a CC... I don't have to enter my PIN, I just swipe it like it's a CC and everything is handled on the backend by VISA/Mastercard. Now, the merchant pays less in transaction fees if it's processed with your PIN like an actual debit transaction... but all those things you, as the consumer, don't need to worry about how it affects the merchant and card issuer - unless you're interested in the politics behind it. It's transparent to the end-user.
  16. YeeeeeaaaaaGood luck with that.... It's a sad day when I prove I'm a bigger Jew than you.
  17. No??? I have multiple cards... one less today since I closed the citibank... I'll be watching my mail to make sure none of my other cards have annual fees, or they'll get cancelled too.
  18. You'd make a great referral... keep that guys card. Congrats (is that appropriate?), I guess. We were worried about you.
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