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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. That's the beauty/problem with the internet though... you either know better about a shitty deal, or you don't realize until afterward when you get on the 'net and talk to people that you got burned and that doesn't bode well of customer relations.
  2. Those sidebags are pretty weak as far as carrying capacity. You could fit about 3 bologna sandwiches in each one with not much room for more.
  3. When does it stop? This War on Terror costs around $360M PER DIEM. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL33110.pdf Everything is relative.
  4. This is what I did this weekend. Ran up to Constantine, MI with my ol' man to pick up his new toy he got off eBay. The story behind the bike seems a little fishy, and we're still waiting for the title, but all in all, I think my dad got a pretty good deal. I'd give it a 8.6/10 as there's some minor nitpick cosmetic issues to make it perfect. Considering it's a 30yr old bike... it's been pretty well kept. This is the 3rd complete CBX he's picked up in the last 18 months, the others are in various states of street-worthiness, but this one is turnkey ready to ride with me this summer. Sorry about the "fog" in the pics, we had the thing running to check a few things.
  5. Not even letting the guy figure things out for himself and I'm already stereotyped....tsk tsk tsk Welcome comrade.
  6. I feel bad for those hookers you've starved to death. Haven't even checked on them in 3 months.
  7. :lol: @ your text this morning.

    If you're robbin' the grave, the other has to rb the cradle. Just how it works.

  8. I thought that's what you wanted.

  9. That's what happens when you've been perfecting the design since the 1950s.* *Ok, technically the LSx line is it's own development branch of GM powertrain, but roots go back to the original 350s.
  10. This thread will eventually be moved... my guess is it'll end up in the SAEM group.
  11. Nah, I'm pretty sure they just hand you this: ...and a Craftsman toolbox, and say "Ok, go!"
  12. This is what I like about this place. As soon as something comes 'from the factory' the first thing the pros and amateurs alike say is "I'd do it better" or "It needs to be made to my specs". Some can make good on those threats/promises, most can't. And now king LSx motor himself - Dweez - has called you out Mr. Porter... do tell us all the shortcomings of the LS9 which you'd modify or change for more power. Your serve has been returned - can you return the volley?
  13. I agree from an engineer standpoint, but when I put on my business hat - economics doesn't favor long-term business case solutions. C'est la vie.
  14. Seriously... talk about tongue weight... that's why I never got one of those.
  15. Just do it. Just get out, and run a 5k or 10k, however long it takes... Maggots.
  16. Everything sounds like a dumb idea when I explain it - just ask my girlfriend.
  17. So basically.... instead of common +/-5V, or +/-3.3V Vpeak, they're going to lower the Vpeak closer to the noise floor and rely on software to separate the signal and noise. Lower the SNR = massive energy savings? Am I understanding this right?
  18. I'd be leery pulling a two wheeled vehicle on that dolly contraption there. Four wheels, sure, car dollies are great. Two, I dunno - it just looks like it would not end well, and with my luck, it probably wouldn't.
  19. Now you're just spreading vicious and untrue rumors.

    Kind of like, you like old penis. Vicious, but not wholly untrue.

  20. Just take your chain off, put the front tire in the trunk, and tie your forks to the seat belt mounting bolts with a tie strap. Good to go. Srsly though, don't do that. Trailers and small cars are tricky business. My vote is that you'll probably be successful as long as you don't drive like an a$$hole. But yes, balance the load on the trailer and be gentle.
  21. I didn't 'out' anything... I lack specificity, and that's why I'm the man. :D

  22. You have a point, there is a lot of excess soylent Haitian meat that will probably end up spoiling in the hot hot sun. I'm horrible
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