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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Bahahahaha! Wait until Casper sees that.
  2. Read this in the ex-local paper. Started with this brief article: http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20100124/NEWS01/1240301/1002/Mansfield-tough-on-driving-hopefuls Then you get to the nitty gritty data here: http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20100124/NEWS01/100124001/1002/Data-Center--Failure-rates-at-Ohio-BMV-driving-test-locations?appSession=782192818001054&RecordID=&PageID=2&PrevPageID=2&cpipage=1&CPIsortType=desc&CPIorderby=Pct_driving_fail I've always been a proponent of bringing Euro driving tests over here, but that'd open a whole new can of worms. Are the test centers too hard on drivers in some areas of the state, or are some centers overly easy?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xOO39wyKK4&feature=player_embedded
  4. Bottom line you gotta get what's right for you. My opinion: I like unique bikes. The SP1 and SP2 fit that. They're one of the rare few Japanese bikes with personality. No, they're not the best performing beasts on the planet, but their cool factor more than makes up for that in my book. Besides, it's a lot more fun to ride a slower bike fast, than a faster bike slow. Which is why it's cool to see guys sling around those heavy piggish RC's with guys on I4 literbikes. To me, the liter bikes will outperform the RC's, but they're so robotic. If you're a strict 'numbers only' guy - then get an I4 liter bike, they handle better, they have more hp, they're also a dime a dozen. If I had to choose between the two, I'd choose the RC, but like NeverEnough said, get both, you only live once.
  5. WTF just happened? What is that garbled mess above?
  6. Just not the same without the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song :(

  7. <sigh> Ok, as long as you promise it'll be tastefully done and you save the OE fairings and parts you take off (in case I need them) It probably would have been easier to start with a SV1000N instead of the 'S' model if you were going naked anyway - and the bars on the N are more upright than the bars on the S Jussayin' Have fun, and post lots of pics of the transformation
  8. Worse places... like Crestline?
  9. We don't know what freaky sh*t you're into... for all we know, you could be Catholic.
  10. Maybe you should write all our Craigslist ads if that's all the time it took to move it.
  11. Srsly, you know how much beer he could buy with $500 to get drunk and f*(k up OTHER peoples cars?
  12. It was funny until I found out it was flounders car.
  13. Disclaimer

    69 Z 28

    This looks nice... where is it now?
  14. Useless Invention #183: Motorcycle A/C http://news.motorbiker.org/blogs.nsf/dx/motorcycle-air-conditioner-to-be-released-shortly.htm Thoughts? Maybe it's not as useless as I think?
  15. Nothing, I like black people, I think everyone should own one. Kidding! You racists!
  16. I'm sure Jefferson said the same thing about the slaves on his tobacco farm... nbd
  17. A win for the agnostics and atheists?? http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/jesus-rifles/story?id=9618791
  18. Galion... yeeeesh, I'm sorry to hear that.
  19. Went out there this afternoon and got a Joe Rocket Sonic 2.0 jacket (XL) for $160.xx OTD Good deal, I think.
  20. She doesn't like to waste it like that... it's more useful as a teeth whitener. Or so I've heard. I wouldn't know.
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