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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Does it make a difference? Let's call her my wife.
  2. That's probably true, I just find it interesting that some of the people that minimize these events because Obama is in office are the same people that would gloat if McCain or Bush were in office. And vice-versa. It's rare to find someone that looks at this objectively, should it be looked at objectively? And if you listen to ANY of the media, they're going to spin it one way or the other as well -- goading you to 'pick a side'.
  3. Granted, it's not like Obama pulled the trigger himself, I get it -- but a boss's job is to put people under him that are competent and make the boss look good. Even if all Obama did was give the yes/no to the suggestions from his cabinet... he still picked the cabinet. And when you select good people underneath you that make your job easy, you're a good boss. It was someone's idea to lean more heavily on the predator drones, and Obama said he'd go into Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani gov't. http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/predators-over-pakistan
  4. Of course he shouldn't . Quoting for future reference that if you're not DIRECTLY involved, you get ZERO credit.
  5. My apologies, you let me know when you're done basking in this. I'm going to go ahead and move on to the adult discussion with adult questions.
  6. So, what's the over/under on how this will be spun politically? This event occurred during the first term of a Democrat presidency. What's the 'so what' of that?
  7. ...to interrupt Celebrity Apprentice. Just 'cause he can.
  8. When your insurance is trying to bone you, call Attorney at law.
  9. I know you're not supposed to pick favorites, but.... Percy.
  10. I was at the cinema, but I was watching this instead. /pussywhipped for her birthday
  11. This coming weekend is bad for me... but we'll get out. Hell, I bet if you just show up at the local 'meet spot' at any given weekend, there's bound to be a group heading out. My ol' lady drove by yesterday and said there was a mixed group there...
  12. If someone types something up on the internet and posts it to a blog, then someone posts it on a Harley Forum it must be true. It's not like anybody can publish whatever they want on the internet! Just like all those e-mails I get. 'FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: People who ride Harley's are all closet homosexuals - Pass along or you will ride a Harley someday. This link proves it!' http://home.earthlink.net/~glhr/about.htm
  13. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/kagan.asp Go ahead and read up on Mr. Jerome Julius Brown Sr. or "U.S. Bounty #1014" as he refers to himself. How ignorant do you have to be to believe this stuff? Were you ever probed?
  14. You should've pulled in front of him at the next stop, and did a burnout, spraying rubber and cow shit all over his car.
  15. Joseph Smith... now that sounds like a good Caucasian name I can could get behind if I was interested in organized religion. None of this Arab Jesus stuff. The only thing that would make it better is having multiple wives...
  16. Disclaimer

    New RVF??

    Wow. IP megaburned you Don. This day is not looking up for you. Low blow for reminding you your bike is MANY MANY states away though. But it is. Really, it's WAY down there.
  17. Disclaimer

    New RVF??

    My naughty bits are tingling.
  18. They didn't give you an Ariel Atom V8 to compare? Cheap asses.
  19. Just stop shitty... or you'll end up on his ignore list for arguing with FACTS.
  20. I'd rather not, but I learned a lot. I also learned the little person never wins. I'd do it again though.
  21. So pull the car up 25ft on the other side of the stop sign... snap a photo, and viola!
  22. C'mon Cheech -- You have to capitalize it, it's an acronym. Now I'm going to have to throw you out of the country too.
  23. Given the verbiage you posted: "Within thirty (30) feet of, and upon the approach to" both circumstances would have to be met, and in your case, they weren't. I'd snap a photo with the car on the other side of the stop sign and bring it into court with you, just in case you need evidence. Of course, assuming the meter maid shows up, they're just going to testify you were within the 30ft (without having to provide evidence thereof)... and on the approach. 1) Read statute 2) Show photo 3) ???? 4) Profit by being not-guilty
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