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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I never had to take dynamics so, I'll go ahead and assume your nomenclature is ok. Right-hand-rule!
  2. Disclaimer

    Last Days

    I stand by my post -- everyone has a price. I want to make enough money to have an opinion on the capital gains tax, I just won't be able to communicate it.
  3. This is still the best post so far. You can discuss it, and there's nothing wrong with learning and understanding the science/physics behind it, but when it comes to executing it -- you either do or don't. You don't think about it. It's reflexive. Muscle memory through riding experience.
  4. Disclaimer

    Last Days

    Does a job where you sign away your free speech pay well? I'll gladly keep my opinions to myself for the right price. Should I forward you my resume?
  5. I'm pretty sure that 'holy fuck' factor is why a lot of us have sport bikes and deal with the uncomfortable riding position.
  6. It's no SV650, but you could... track it... And it fits your cheap bastard definition. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2364465889.html Plus... the "No-Douche Bag" ride out of Lakewood. I bet you could meet some new boyfriends, if you're looking.
  7. 2 of those aren't factually correct
  8. Disclaimer

    Last Days

    I guess it all depends on if you care about burning bridges? A buddy of mine lives by the motto (I'm paraphrasing) "Let the bridges I torch light the way to future prosperity"
  9. Since the "health care" debate has been brought into this thread as well... Obama is SUCH a socialist, he's spreading it to the Republicans now too!! It's like an uncontrollable commie virus. Rep. Paul Ryan and the GOP love them some health-care mandates, two times
  10. Just like all those 'self proclamations' I supposedly made. Funny how that works...
  11. ZOMFG!11!!1!1 That'd be terrible, it requires research and reading. But you're right, that might be above your skill level. What makes you "well versed" in anything? You have some credentials that qualify you as an expert? Or "Because it's MY opinion, and that makes it right! *rabble rabble rabble*" Talk about being full of yourself.
  12. You can. File the $30k surety bond w/ the state treasurer. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4509.45 More specifically: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4509.62 But as with everything else... that's $30k of your money that's permanently tied up in an account, and if you're sued beyond that, it's really getting hairy for you.
  13. Yea, that big line item on your W2 that said "Medicare Tax"... nothing new. If they did away with SS, Medicare, and Medicaid... I won't be able to wait to see what the country would turn into. How many posters on this site do you think have finances to sustain themselves and their family past age 65 on what they have in their "nest egg" if they EVER plan on retiring?
  14. Ohh see John, it was just a "joke", he wanted to "test" us And Protip -- while I don't remember making ANY self proclamations on this site, understand that you could be a "know it all" too! All you need to do is have some facts at hand, do some reading, and have some critical thinking skills. It's really not difficult, it's just people like you and crb that make it look difficult.
  15. I guess I don't understand how I'm cherry picking. I'm digging deeper into the data to get a more detailed picture. That's kind of why they put all that "extra" data in there. That's like a business just reporting profits to investors. Would you invest in a business that had increased profits of over 26%? Harley increased profits last year, but that's because if you look at all the books, it was because they downsized plants and workers, sold Buell, sold MV, etc. That's not cherry picking data... that's getting the full scoop before you invest in their product and business philosophy/model.
  16. Here's a sample from when a few friends and I tried to think up some plates for a buddy's new ride. Some are completely tasteless and would probably get flagged (not issued), or at the very least get you some angry, condescending looks from fellow motorists. If you're a sports fan.. America! HUNGUP and NAILED are taken OR personalized with "TACO" personalized with "NAMBLA" Personalized with "DURRRR" Personalized with "DEDBABY" Feel free.
  17. Captain's paintjob is still baller... even if he goes to bike nights.
  18. Also lucky that you don't need good grammar to run guns or porn.
  19. YOU have to fight for peter.
  20. How I understand it...assuming they are the 'at fault' party: Their max might not be enough to cover ALL your damages, so if the accident cost $100k total between damage, medical, etc, and their 12.5k/25k policy comes up short, then the difference has to be made up out of your insurance policy. Your insurance forks over cash up to YOUR limits, and then they sue the other party for the difference. The whole reason why some people get expensive coverages is because they have more to lose. Ie. if you have a nice $450k home, some cars, some bikes, $1M net worth and you roll around with minimum coverage and royally injure someone (like a motorcyclist), then that max. liability will run out REAL quick and then you're in civil court getting sued by the guy you hit AND his insurance company to recoup their costs -- they'll go for your home, cars, bikes, etc. Now in the real world, people that have min. coverage often don't have a lot to lose... and since "you can't squeeze blood from a turnip"... . That's what he means when he says "you're not covered" because the schmuck that hit you is a low net worth individual who's insurance and assets combined won't pay for your losses. Additional insurance on YOUR end will protect yourself.
  21. I think it has to do with how claims are processed then subrogated. Your insurance will pay you up to your max policy, then go after the 'at-fault' party. Then again, I don't really know the ins-and-outs how much your own insurance will front before they figure out the other goofball is only paying for minimum coverage. Kinda defeats the purpose of insurance people selling you un-/under-insured coverage in addition to your own policy. So I dunno
  22. You guys remember that new guy from Columbus? He just posted in the Intro thread recently...whatever happened to that guy? Started more threads in 6 hours than I have in 6 months. 75PPD!!
  23. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=656500&postcount=34

    You curb stomp my humor bone on a frequent basis too, you should hear the sound it makes when it gives. It's funny. I need to spread rep around though before you get moar!

  24. If you look at the OP posts, he's a 'hit and run' kind of troll... like that other guy that put me on ignore. I wouldn't hold your breath for a logical answer, or any answer at all.
  25. Her proof is -- whacking you upside the head.
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