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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. This wasn't a business tax discussion though... this was a 'Ohio family' tax discussion. Regardless of the Tax Climate Index, that number really doesn't tell the full story. For example: http://www.taxfoundation.org/research/show/2181.html Look at page 14 (also see p24-25 to further illustrate Ohio as a "business friendly tax state"). Ohio collects an average of 1.9% of income from businesses, what's the US average? 4.3%. So, believe me, businesses aren't hurting because of being overtaxed here in Ohio.
  2. Pssh... Germans are not going to be impressed with your Australian V8 sedan when they're rolling around in sophisticated M5s and Mercedes. Just imagine if you had an Avalanche over there... that would be WAY more impressive and unique. /gimme that car!
  3. You better lock that up, or I'm gonna take it. That was supposed to be MY car. :mad: I'll leave you my truck, it'll be a near even trade. Honest!
  4. This guy- http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2011/05/02/motorcyclist-dies-in-crash/ Motorcyclist died ‘doing what he loved to do’ It reads like it was the cager's fault
  5. Vauxhall? n00b Where's the car originate from? I'll give you a better hint. It rhymes with 'Golden' and starts with 'H'
  6. Was it cheaper to get at Gamestop vs. online?
  7. I dunno if I like this... 'more privatization' scheme to promote 'job growth'? I need more specifics. Regarding the taxes/budget, the numbers are a bit more reasonable when you look at them on a actual dollar amount basis rather than a percentage. $761/26 paychecks = about $30 per paycheck less. Is that worth it? Maybe not? But, using percentages is misleading by making it sound much more 'grand' than the issue really is. It's a discussion still worth having, but lets frame and scope the problem appropriately. Either way, with Kasich's plan to take local subsidies out and putting them back into the state coffers, you better hope you don't live in a poor community because it's a long downward spiral from there. Creating mini-Detroits all throughout the state.
  8. No, Bad only turns into a hot headed ignorant asshole when you take his strippers away and tell him the blow is gone.
  9. That's a lot of miles to put on a girls' bike.
  10. "So you guys AREN'T planning to cut me up, throw me in the river, and steal my bike?"
  11. I don't think I'll ever live the castles ride down. I at least printed out directions... So I was de facto 'that guy' for being the most prepared out of a group of no preparation. My bad for assuming someone, ANYONE would have a GPS. Hell, there was a guy that mounted speakers to his bike - I figured hes an electronics nerd, he'll have GPS. Nope.
  12. I'm rockin' an LG Chocolate Touch, which is nice for long motorbike rides too... damn near a GB of music on it. One of the rare phones that has an FM tuner, and the headphone jack is 3.5, so no need for an adapter.
  13. I have not had those same experiences. Then again all the "ORDN" rides I go on are Uncle Punk lead for the most part -- which seem more like "CORE" rides. DTC is for long and straight cruising, because that's the kind of bike the majority of the DTC have. Turns =
  14. That's cool... I may need to get my ol' man to get some contact info from your ol' man if he needs parts/stuff. Mansfield isn't that far from Cbus.
  15. My dad's only up to 5.
  16. Let me know when you wanna sell the CBX.
  17. I prefer mine w/o kids.
  18. That's the same reason I'm NOT on the Uncle Punk mailing list
  19. I didn't see it. Do you have 'long form' documentation?
  20. If you guys question this administration you're unpatriotic! Why do you hate America like all those people that questioned WMDs?
  21. I'm waiting for my Sherrod Brown e-mail...
  22. Worked for the last guy, and he didn't even have any 'atta boy' moments that I can remember.
  23. It's too late to ask, but you think Osama was a '2' or '288' guy?
  24. Source: http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2011/05/how-to-steal-a-gsx-r/ The latest video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwtMQLnT7k Tags that I didn't include in the title: Honda, Suzuki, Insurance, Theft, Stolen, Ignition Pigtail, San Diego
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