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Kip Drordy

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Everything posted by Kip Drordy

  1. Wait, what!? You don't know what ATM is!?
  2. Was the color copy funny? Or was it that you got a color copy of a nugget in the buns?
  3. If you think his shit is funny hit this up. http://www.bloodninja.org/index.php The one I thought was with a pirate was really a vampire check it out.
  4. bloodninja is a rockstar!! Find the one about the pirate
  5. sounds like suitor #2 needs to be a little more "open" with you if you get my drift.
  6. I think the execution was perfect for the response he was trying to elicit. I think I would rather die than be the guy who fell on the fence post...
  7. Happy birthday Ben! Are you finally a teenager?
  8. Like others said either wear sunglasses under a clear shield or get a mirrored shield. My shoei's mirror is acrually less tinted than the regular tint since the mirror deflects a lot of light so riding at night isn't as much of a problem.
  9. Facking awesome. It would suck to miss the pool though...
  10. Cool pics man. But, there's this guy I know who pulls 13 o'clock wheelies in the alleys nightly...
  11. They have some of these at the pony if you're interested in the fitment and quality. Kinda cheesy imo, but the iron man one is kinda cool.
  12. Fuck powdercoating just grab a sharpie and go to town.
  13. Oh man dude... It's one thing after another with that bike. Grab up that 1098s Lizard is pushing.
  14. Easily the funniest part of the ride. Well other than those noobs on their 1k's almost taking eachother out.
  15. 1 lap round the ring!!
  16. Should we get the sandpaper and primer ready for when you get back?
  17. Just walk in and stand facing the back wall, like right in front of it. For some reason it makes people really uncomfortable.
  18. I say you kick his teeth in, make him pay for it then give the jacket to me.
  19. you know you crapped yourself
  20. don't hate cuz you suck
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