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Posts posted by MadMax33

  1. The officer didn't site you because you were only going 45mph at the time of your crash. At least that was my best guess when he asked me anyways:) Then he called me the next day to get your cell number but I told him that I just met that bum on the day of the crash. Just kidding. I hope you lose weight on the hospital food because I had a Hell of a time picking your ass up. Get well soon brother...

  2. Of course the site had to be down when I got home yesterday but I headed back home after filling up on Rt.60, which I should have taken back up instead of backtracking on 83. Kent was complaining about his collarbone so at least that's ok. A case of losing focus for a second and then paying for it, more or less. I'm up for another run sometime in the future.

  3. Who the fuck is Nancy Grace? I have never seen her nor do I have an inclination to but I am not concerned with anything that does not bring pleasure into my life. So far Americans are thinking with their emotions, and not logically, as usual, at least in regards to what the media feeds them. The only thing I am slightly concerned about is why my cock has not been up this Casey chicks' ass yet. I need to get out more or move to Florida, I guess...

  4. I live in Canton so that would be a "YES!", but that last time I met a young lady for a ride, I got a speeding ticket so I'm afraid that we can't ride together. Just kidding. I have a route that's fairly close that I use when I have any free time. You are more than welcome to come along, or anyone for that matter...

  5. If your going to speed, learn how to do it right. I'm not going to get on my soapbox like some of these other folks who I'm sure never speed or hit triple digits. Yeah, and a bear never shits in the woods either. Just know the areas where the cops are scarce and then open it up a little once in awhile. I am not concerned with hauling ass on a freeway but rather being faster in the curves so I never do more than 15 over the limit on the highways. Go ahead and pass me doing 120 in a straight line, which even Forrest Gump can learn how to do. My respect goes out to all of the riders who take their bikes where they belong, in the twisties.

    Get a lawyer for this one and be prepared for some unpleasantness...

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