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Posts posted by MadMax33

  1. If every dog was loved and cared for like the dog that I spent my teen years with, the world would be better off. Someday I will have a larger dwelling and I am getting a puppy when I do. I never bought into the notion that pit-bulls are a bad breed since Pete from The Little Rascals was a pit. Now Homo Sapiens on the other hand...

  2. You ended up lost on 164? How was that possible? Yeah, 164 is not The Triple Nickel because it is clean and the gravel is minimal. It's also alot closer than making a day trip to S. Ohio and when you factor in 44 and Atwood, as well as Rt.9, it's the closet thing we have here in Canton. I still want to hit the southern part of Ohio since I have yet to do so this year.

  3. So I was at my mom's house and when I got in my car to leave, I was approached by two pitbulls, and the larger male came right up to my door before I rolled up my window as a precautionary measure. I drove back home then came back to see if the dogs were still running around free and yep, they still were in the neighborhood, in a fenced backyard although they didn't live at that house. If my mom came home and those dogs were aggressive, or anyone in that area for that matter, things would have went bad. I am a pretty strong guy and I would rather have me face a dog than my mom, who would be injured or killed quickly.

    Well, as I was looking for the dogs, once they were no longer in the fenced yard across the street, they ran up to me as I was walking in my mom's backyard, which is what I wanted, to see if they were friends or foes. Luckily, it was as if I was already their owner and I was greeted like an old friend. The one was a young female puppy but the male was an adult and built like a brick shithouse. As I was calling the authorities to come and pick the dogs up, my phone died out on me. When I went to the neighbor's house, I noticed that the adult male was approaching a lady with her daughter, on a bike ride. She asked me if they were my dogs and I told her the situation, so she called her son to drive over to pick them up in a Range Rover.

    To end this story, the woman took both dogs back to her place in her truck, after I put the puppy in the back seat while I went after the larger male, who came up to me and allowed me to put a leash on his collar, with no tags of course. He went into the back seat willingly and they drove off into the sunset. This is going to happen again and again since folks can't, or won't accept the huge responsibility of taking care of a dog. I'm just glad that things worked out the way they did. My buddy had a pitbull jump into his truck and refuse to leave so the police had to come out and shoot it. It seems that every dog I see near town is a pitbull. Anyways, the humane society was called, or so I heard unless the Korean eatery is running a special...

  4. When I ride 164, I go through Atwood first and take 44 right off of Rt.30. 44 has a few curves and is very clean, but short. It's alot better than riding to Lisbon and then hitting 164 from there, if you live in Akron or Canton that is. Or you can catch Rt.9 from 164, blast through there and take 30 back to 164 for another run.

  5. If that happened to me I would be in therapy. It's one thing to know that your pet is old and the end is near but when something like that happens, you don't have time to mentally prepare yourself. Sorry for your loss...

  6. Brian's the name but I answer to BA as well.

    1. I was a pretty sick kid and spent some time in an oxygen tent like a certain dead pop star.

    2. Once I discovered reptiles, I became obsessed with them for almost a decade. To this day I own one gecko, who is more than 17yrs-old.

    3. I was not born with the gift of being really intelligent. However, I have a decent memory when it comes to fiction that I have read.

    4. I am a strict atheist. Religious fanatics should all be killed.

    5. I once forced a sub-normal classmate to take my medication while in the 1st grade. I was found out and I took a trip to the principals office. The principal was a nun.

    6. Right now I am obsessed with classic films from the 70's, as well as B movies from that era as well.

    7.I do not believe I was born for this time-period of advanced technological achievement. Yet here I type on a laptop that I own...

    8. I DO believe that I fell in love when I was 12yrs-old and now I am almost indifferent to having a relationship.

    9. I will take advantage of the services of a professional to satisfy my carnal desires.

    10. In the near future, I plan to learn how to play a keyboard.

  7. A buddy and I were playing ping pong at a bar and I put the ball to his far right so he tried to hit it, which caused him to nearly break his ankle. It looked like a baseball was growing under his skin at the time. No fracture and he lost the point to me. Of course his game was over for about two months. I'd hate to have to say that I almost broke my ankle playing fucking' ping pong, of all sports. When you get into playing at a club, it can get quite intense.

  8. Well, if you have decided that you are not going to stop for the police, you really don't need a license. On a more serious note, just get your license. That way you have it for life, or at least until you reach the pissing-down-your-leg age, in which you won't need it anyways.

  9. If you are going to live in LA, you will need a motorcycle or you might pull a Micheal Douglas and get out of your car while still in traffic, claiming all you want to do is go home. Of course if you get a ticket, you will be paying out of your ass. I know someone that had to pay $300 just because she turned left as the traffic light turned red. Then she had to go to traffic school as well. If you're Mexican and you have alot of babies, that's ok though. No problemo...

  10. After about 4pm I am available although I have never been to The Valley. I went to Atwood yesterday as well as Rt.9, which is about as clean as a track, and parts of Rt.164. All the rain seems to keep the gravel down to a minimum. 164 needs repaved and there are tar snakes as well. It's still fun...

  11. This is what makes me want to just track my 1000RR and get a cruiser for the streets. A nice 1400 Intruder would fit the bill just fine. The temptation to haul ass is just too much when you ride a 150hp bike. I could see myself losing my cool and destroying this gentleman with nothing more than my hands. Sportbikes are hated more than any other biker demographic, it seems to me. It's too bad that I am hooked to superior engineering and the fun factor of nice sweepers.

  12. I've never had a problem with a road rager after almost 8yrs of riding but if I could get away from someone, I'd take that route. That's why 1000cc super-sports are great for the streets, or 600's for that matter. I avoid violence because I like it too much. It's best to just twist the throttle and call it a day.

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