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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. great party! Now we are riding today! Meet at shell 11-12 leave at 12!!!!
  2. so far so good! Changed 8 tires! There are at least 20 bikes in my driveway! Love it!!!!!!
  3. 2465 8 mile cincy 45244. Hope to see some of you today!
  4. hope you enjoy that pirelli!!!! Dam rain!
  5. i ran a couple 190's on that rear wheel. They all worked great! It did eat up a 190 real bad compared to the 180. You have to change ride heights and some other suspension adjustments. I ended up only running 180 from that point on.
  6. yea the vibration from the bikes is a camera killer. archos makes some good stuff though!
  7. When i was searching for cams i never could find a good deal. I know many many people were interested in a cam system,but didnt want to pay out the a** for one and these are some killer little cams!!!
  8. we get nothing. He is a personal friend and gave us a deal. I just wanted to let everyone in on the deal. He uses the money to go racing and I want to help him sell his stuff. I was a little afraid to post this because of the name drop,but thats the codes for the discount... Let me know i can delete or edit it...
  9. We just picked up a new site sponsor and i thought maybe some of u might want to make some videos on ur bike! He sells many diff cam systems and he is located here in cincy. He gives us a special deal so make sure if you order one you type in the code!!!! I just got the site set up with coupon codes for junkies members. For the bullet cam system: http://www.cedigital.com/xcart/produ...&cat=77&page=1 $25 off using coupon code "junkies" For both the gopro wide and reg 5mp, http://www.cedigital.com/xcart/produ...cat=258&page=1 http://www.cedigital.com/xcart/produ...cat=258&page=1 $30 off using coupon code "junkiesgopro" Killer deals for some good cams!!!!!!!
  10. i have some prelli dragon rears that are bad ass! Glad u limped it home man!
  11. hell yea! The addiction grows....
  12. We have matching scars! Boots cant protect impact fractures. They can help,but nothing will help when its hit real hard.
  13. someone always gets naked lol. Yea we are going to do a pingpong tournament. I hope the weather is good! Hope everyone can make it.
  14. We are throwing a springtime party at my place may 9th. We will be grilling and workn on the bikes and playing cornhole and pingpong and misc other fun games. ALL are invited and would love to see all of you. Party starts at noon and goes till whenever!
  15. There are at least 6 of us headed down to go race some WERA if anyone wants to join! They will have a wera race school if u want to get started racing!
  16. hell yea dave!!!! Congrats! Middletown did you right by not charging you!!! Its motor time!!!!
  17. What a freeking great race weekend! It was great to meet you apch8r!
  18. I hear rumers this weekend that the track may not even be ready for this race!!!!!! Hope its not true!
  19. Wind is fun!!! You can ride strait and lean massivly! It is fun!
  20. Well i will deff be there now! I am towing the junkie trailer full of race bikes to the lube. After we eat and get a few cold ones will will be on the road to go racing! See everyone there!
  21. Jerm i will deff come visit. Not sure when,but i'll be there. PM me directions.
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