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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. Hondas suck! Once you are done with the cables lube all boots with wd-40 with your finger and that will help ALLOT with reassembly. Dont forget that little vacume line on left or the bike will not run correctly. took me hours to figure out my first time. Ball joint allens help a ton if you have any. We charge extra for honda lol.
  2. DONT BUY NEW ANYTHING(besides tires) Dont get flashy vehicals or don't waist $ on good looking paint etc. Spend all $ on tires and good suspension and gear. Only buy once so make it count. travel only in groupls and split all costs. CC is the devil! Work 80 hrs a week min and don't go out to eat and cook at home. Turn Home AC off and heat on low in winter. I have not had hot water in 2 months and lived without a fridge for 2 years strait. sacrifice is the name of the game. People think I'm crazy,but thats because they have new everything and can't afford to use them.
  3. I have a 07 GSXR 600 with ohlins double rear,20mm kit in front and random track goodies with a re-built OHIO salvage title(street legal) for $4500? in used shape,but fully ready to go!
  4. They are GREAT! We use them as much as possible! Say hi to Lou in parts for me!
  5. as its my first round I don't know if i can even get my pit crew in lol.
  6. Come support me in my first AMA PRO race at Road Atlanta april 21st!
  7. He is the king here. Just wanted the answer and it is No. Cool with me
  8. Got your PM!! THANKS!!! As for the membors ALLOT have met me and I know they are going to see me again and again! Hell I am racing AMA PRO,own a shop,coach mid-oh,putnam and who knows what else. Yes the older days were "crazy" and sorta fun at the time,but we all are riders and we all have a passion.
  9. lol. All the drama is on our site l8tly lol. Nothing as good as the lbts thread though.. I can only hope!
  10. I have NO problems with the site. You know I have never been like that. Just after at least 20 attemps I had to post as I have gone ALL In.
  11. LBTS came from here! Now I want to sell stuff that will be LBTS!!! lol
  12. I opened a shop here in cincy. I have contacted casper many many times trying to pay to advertise on here. I even try to keep it quiet at all times when people are asking for stuff. Just want to be able to advertise the sales and parts I can get. Wont be a whore,but just want to make sure people can source their parts from me if needed.
  13. Ok I have been a member for YEARS and have contributed to motorcycling MASSIVELY! I open my own shop and try to pay Ben Multiple Multiple times to advertise on OHIO RIDERS. I just want to offer good deals to as many people that I can reach as possible and am willing to SPONSOR the site and help its members. Just think that O.R members need to know that I am here. My heart and soul is dedicated to the sport and can't understand why you would not want me to PAY and HELP O.R. I recently met Hoblic and he is a cool ass dude and I totally understand what he is doing and support him in his career,but I wont compete with him as we can work together. Just want to know..
  14. I will be there coaching again this year! Find me if you want me to help!
  15. those 675's have bad rect problems. Check the battery running
  16. I will take pics of a crashed set on the bike we have at the shop. They are very well made and I have sold a ton of them with no problems.
  17. I think a couple teams have given them a go. Not sure who exactly. If the screw were to fall out you woild still have a "shorty" part of the lever to use. I have seen 2 sets of crashed ones and both bikes involved were totaled and took hard hits on the clip on/lever area. The levers did not fail and could have been used again. Liz they have been on my race bike for going on 2 years now so come check them out anytime
  18. They feel great in my hand just like crg or pazzo did. the tips are $10 each to replace so if you were to break it its CHEAP to fix. These fold so maybe in your crashes case the lever would have folded and not broke the perch or MC,but all crashes are diff and anything is possible. The best part of these IMO is the fact I can make them short or long and replace just the tip if it gets road rash.
  19. Oh hell yea!!! These guys sponsor me and they make GREAT GREAT STUFF!!!
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