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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. I am so ready! I will be on the 816 bike coaching if you need help don't hesitate to ask!!!
  2. HELL YEA MAN! DAY:1 Going into this weekend I thought we had a fairly good idea what to expect. We had gotten the bike built the team formed and all forms filled out. All went well on the road trip down and we all laughed and planned what to do on Arrival to Road Atlanta. Once there we set up pits like a boss and sent tuna out to answer some questions we had. Got teched after grape added some plugs we had found in the door to the tow vehical we took. From the second we got to the track The AMA officials were GREAT and very helpfull along with fellow racers. All ready for Fri we went out and had a steak dinner and some drinks to start the weekend right! Day 2: We get to track and rush the bike into dyno tune where we find out new motor is at only 103.7 HP with custom map installed. I think whatever and head out on track for practice with new rubber on the ready. Practice went well and qualifying was up next and went out there with best times of 38's. All was well,but I could not help but want more power and thought maybe do a quick spark plug swap and the WOW.... The worst of thigs possible the CYL 4 spark plug SNAPPED off into the head. WOW..... So after the thought of MOTOR SWAP sank in Grape and Tuna DUG in and began the swap to the unknown spare motor we had brought with us. After mass hard work and some chicken sandwiches from the girls the motor was in. It was now 12:30 and time for rest... Day 3(race day 1) We wake up at the butt crack of dawn and once again RUSH the bike to dynojet for a tune. They run it thru the whole tuning process and it only makes 98HP!!!! So we get the bike prepped and head out for practice. Bike is obviously S1ow out there so we try to swap ECU and many many parts that were un seen do to ECU swap. Race 1 is now calling so we take what we have to the track. Little did we know the chaos that was upon us known as the GRID lol. The team had to RUN with genny's and warmers and stands and water and mass diff thigs and scale walls and avaid crazy fast bikes and leapfrog over to my grid position. CRAZY! is really the best way to describe what that is all like. It was that momment I realized WHY ama teams had pit crews and how the race could not go on without them! RACE1: SCARED!!! The red lights went out and I launched. Turn 1 was a cloud of dust and I just dove in with the rest. We were headed to the turn 3 section and I was ready for chaos and thats when 4 bikes moved out of the way and i took advantage of the window. Now I'm like 7 bikes up and POW they all get me on the throttle. As we made our way to the back strait I was with them till turn 7 when they all left me in the dust. All was good out there alone and then the Blue flags started to show. FEAR of pulling a 606 on a lizard I just moved over and waited. Felt like HRS as the top 2 passed me. I looked back and saw no more bikes so went on racing. It was then the train hit. It was a long train and somehow I was in the middle of it now! As they all flew past on rt and left I did not react nore budge from my course. It was over so I tried to jump behind and learn. As i went into turn 6 hotter than ever I tried to grab a downshift and found nothing,but air!!! After a brief visit to the grass I saw a pit road behind 7 and pulled in hot. It was actually cool because fans started to flock over to fence and try to help/question and or assist,but the shifter was gone and no easy fix. Took crash truck in.. Day 3: Wake up and wait for Tuna to "wash his body" aka shower lol.. Get to track and do a fuel pump/throttle body swap to try to gain some horses and then rush back for dyno run again. Finally bike was up to 105HP and it was time to just go race.. With new tires on warmers we got the bike up to hot pit and waited for the races. One thing I left out of Sat was the fan walk. This is the time when ALL fans can come out to hot pit and meet riders and see bikes. Tons of teams had posters and free nick nacks to give out. We had learned that our 2 HOTTIE umbrella girls could use their special skills to draw the crowd so we gave them center stage. Talk about a blast having all the fans come over and say hello and show the true love they have for the sport!!!! RACE 2: The start from sat had we tweaked so I honestly held back a little more than avg. Got away clean and a couple ahead of last and then the motors went past. The last guy to pass me was in the back strait ahead of me when Puff puff of black smoke and a very fast deceleration mad me go around. As I knew I was in last again and was beggingi to fear the lead group at my rear. I stepped it up as hard as I could and could see the 3 riders ahead of me getting closer. Then at lap 8/9 I saw that dreaded BLUE flad again and knew the train was close. I moved the hell over and looked and only saw 1st and 2nd even close so once passed I went back at it. 1 lap later the red flag flew and my first AMA race weeknd was done. IWe now know how to hit mid-ohio and I will come with a motor or 2 to give it a better shot. This shit was GREAT and I hope to be able to keep up with at least a couple of them lol. THANKS to....... SPONSORS HINDLE LM Motorsports 614 painworx bestem motozen HUGE HUGE HUGE thnks to my pit crew!!! TUNA MOLLY GRAPE TRISH My mom and granma and ALL the junkies and friends who sent me PM's and text in support!! MID OHIO its ONNNNNNN!!! http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s386/Assfaultjunkies23/AMA/DSC_0164.jpg
  3. One is my girl. I just don't get where that part plays into any of this. Either way lil did not post pics of her better ass..
  4. lo I heard that like 3 times min lol. Hair is GONE after mid-o round...
  5. So the truth finally comes out. We took your spot and you gave up... Another thing you forget is years change people. Yes I learned from the past and make sure people I meet at least get warned of said behavior. Live and learn ya know?
  6. Hey all!!! What a freaking crazy weekend! I loved every second of it! I was down on HP from the second we got there and it went downhill from there! Man I thought I had most the bases covered and BAM the motor was weak and I was in the back! Shifter fell off in race1 due to a c clip that has never let me down. Race 2 was better,but I was forced to bonsai every brake point to just see the other racers. AMA Pro is a great feeling and I am so proud to even be in last! Mid-O I am deff getting motor ready and even a backup motor just in case lol. Thanks OR for the support and see you at mid-ohio!! P.S (drama part lol) To the girl that said I should edit the unbrella girl pics GO FUCK YOURSELF! They are hard workers and hotter than you could ever be!
  7. I am scared and ready at the same time! Watch for me Bike # 816 in The Supersport round this weekend at !PM sat ans Sun. Man this is NUTZ!
  8. I will have to deff stop up to visit!
  9. Guess its in the air here lmao. I too am a firm believer in first with cash wins race! Does suck that the bike you wanted is gone man. Don't see many of those here locally either.
  10. 003 and GP-A is a great choice. N-tec if you want to win lmao.
  11. Thanks for the tags removal.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg
  13. Pot meet kettle? Ok I give up. You all are right. You win. This place knows all and we are all hooligans and you are the saints. We do childish things and you save babies here. Who gives a dam what someone called someone? You all can think what you like an so can I. At least people will be able to read this(if they can stand too) and make their own judgements. We agree to diagree. Oh and if you ever want race parts or a discount on go fast parts please let me know. Thats all i really wanted. You win! Close this thread so I can stop posting on OR for some time.
  14. Is this some kind of real world on here? Dam how dare we get drunk and type. U act as if this site is a NO bs site and its only full of information and happy go lucky chats. It is by far not a church,but is ran like one. the past things were fueled by members on here just like me. The whole banable thing is just some sort of powertrip that people like to hold over peoples head.
  15. I need to know if any of this happened. As far As I know if someone was put in a wall the thread would be way more real. I know allot of our guys have been into a wall and know thats like attempted murder. As for your events stop and read what people are sending you. They are going to a whole diff sites event.
  16. I am so glad you like to act as if you know us. As for name calling you prob have noticed its going on on both sides. Sticks and stones....
  17. not married,but they did ask to see pics before they judged lol. Your wife did keep posting the same thing is prob the only reason she was thrown into this. I do understand your anger in this too however. It is not needed for them to say that,but allot of wrongs have been said.
  18. Casper me and you need to stop saying they! I have to stop blaming the group as a whole too. Some have done this some have done that. Its just hard to remember all the screen names at the time I know.
  19. Serpent I already knew how you felt. We are deff a crazy group!
  20. Ben I got your number from jess a while back. i did FB you and PM you here along with fill out the request forms on the sponsor section more than once. the start of this thread was the only answer I got and because I made it seem attacking you answered in a defensive way. Either way this could of all been handles in private,but i was left no choice,but make a thread. Sadly I am bad at being PC when i am angry and stressed. dam this all is crazy.
  21. Same here. I have made riding easier and safer and cheaper for the masses. I have allot of pride in what I do too.
  22. My question to you casper is why did you not respond to my request to sponsor till this thread got started? That's what really grinded my gears.
  23. not sure what the passing thing is about? I know you just like to ride. V-stroms rock for what you like to do. My shop is directly related to the site now. I saw the amount of interest locally and also saw people needed a cheaper more knowledgeable place to take their bike.
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