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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. there is a place here in cincy called blue chip welding and they have welded my frames. If it is a bare frame it will be like $66-100
  2. personally i hate my union and the people who are pro union that i work with. I mean if the union cared about its workers it would spend less $$$$ on the union itself and give it all back to the workers...
  3. In order to sell u will have to be in the 3000-3500 range max.... can get a 06/07 model these days for $5000 and with winter on its way it will only be harder to sell. GLWS
  4. Bump! Lets escape the heat and drink and talk bikes!
  5. redxpics normally takes pics on ptr days
  6. its a way to keep construction workers busy. They do it all the time! Keeps me working!
  7. I personally have a small hate for harleys. $30,000 are u kidding?? If u have that kind of $$$$ in a bike it better at least turn and stop and be super fast! Does suck dude lost his bike,but I'm sure he had full coverage so he wins either way.
  8. how funny is it to see that dude pull into a gas station and start taking the bike apart lol.
  9. thats the kind of harley i like to see! We dont need no water let the mother effr burn! burn mother effr burn!
  10. I'm here with you! Wish i had some of that "sink the bismark" that casper is talking about!
  11. welcome! cincy east sider here!
  12. well we need to just so we all know each other.
  13. also we will get nifty hello my name is.... decals!!!
  14. The junkies and LSB and any other semi local sites are going to have a meet and greet Aug 21st at willies sports bar in Covington,ky at around 4pm-close. Just wanted to invite anyone from O.R that would be interested in meeting other riders. Its a family friendly event and the bar has a cool arcade for the younger ones to stay busy.
  15. Forums deff let people be more open and dickweedish. Real life is real and forums are not so if you know the diff then its no big deal. All the net is for is info and to kill time so it needs to be treated that way. Hell if ur drunk u can say anything lmao/glws
  16. is this the small one? Pics?
  17. i got a motor that still runs,but needs 2nd gear.
  18. Yea i need allot of work,but it looks fun!
  19. Thanks for the pics! Man it was really really cool to go out on track with all the fans and people watching. I really want to give the AMA races a try in 2011 just to be out there again!
  20. did u see me out on track on sat around 11am? What great racing this weekend!
  21. I'd say you probably still have air in the system. Open the rad cap and run the bike up to around 190 deg and then add coolant and put cap on fast. After it cools back down to room/air temp fire it back up and check ur temps. As for the seat bolt u can prob fit a saw blade between the tank mount and subframe mount and cut the end of the bolt and remove it that way.
  22. hey hey hey no secret weapons! Well I'm here and its wet lol.
  23. All I know is i will be up there till the 19th! As for tech it has all been worked out.Safety is #1!
  24. What is the avg over temp that causes motor damage? I have seen high ass numbers on the track(start line). 230 range Yea if your bike is running hot just turn it off and wait lol.
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