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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. Tank gone? I will find a way to get it...
  2. welcome man! Gixxie went to good hands!
  3. yea the first video is basically unlimited class. The group that starts in front of me are experts in the same class. They are fast!
  4. Form1(finished 3rd) http://vholdr.com/node/83724 bsbk pt.1 http://vholdr.com/node/83717
  5. I won 2 more races at nashville this past weekend. ASBK and BSBK. It off to race Barber this weekend!
  6. cherokee cant be stuck! Was it a 4.0ltr?
  7. gixxie750


    Is it leakeing from the side or in the "fins"? If its in the fins u can pinch it off very easily. ANY radiator shop can fix it for round $80.
  8. I am a coach there. Expect a fun time and as much help as u need!
  9. i have a bent one u can use just for moving the bike or a good one for sale $125. the bent one u can borrow and it still works if u needed to ride somewhere. Price for good wheel is with rotor only....
  10. I have seen a couple and owners liked them. I think for $305 shipped its not a bad way to go. I would make sure your hitch is installed properly,but other than that i like them.
  11. dam dear!!! They will deff call it a total loss! BUY IT BACK and then buy another street one. If u do not buy it back let me know how much the buy back is!
  12. i dont know about the 1000's,but on the 600 and 750 you pull a pin out of the ecu wire harness. The valve is pulled closed by the servo so it will be open all the time if you remove the servo. I'm sure its prob the same wire on the 1000,but i'm not sure?
  13. i dont know the law,but i just put mine in the trunk. My TL1000 has a HUGE trunk lol.
  14. I just cant do it because thinking about that thing smashing into me in a wreck scares me!
  15. Fun Fun! I agree we all need to ride safer. All I know is in any rider there is a short phase (or long) where you are just learning to go fast and push too hard. All people are diff, but they all love riding. As far as what other people think about us i am so used to the behind the back talk so none of this is new. All i can do is get people to the track and let them see what riding a motorcylce fast means.
  16. Ok the 520 chain is strong enough for rossi so strength is not an issue. Its for weight! The 520 chain is thinner and lighter and depending on model has better "o-rings" or x-rings or some kind of better sealing ring. The most common GEAR change would be to go-1 in the front and +2 in the rear. It is DEFF the best bang for the buck power and feel wise. Remember this gear change will make ur spedo even more wrong and your top speed will be cut down. Its perfect for almost any streetbike to go -1+2.
  17. There is an 04 GSXR600 that needs bodywork with 13,000 miles for $2700 on the eastside. Email me
  18. No matter how its set up there is always one ore 2 people that cant controll themselves. If u ride in a group mix the good riders in with everyone. The fast guys go ahead and go then the main pack goes with many fast guys in the mix. Then there is those 2 bikes that wait for a while and then catch up to the middle group. So really it goes fast people-main group-fast people behind. It sorta works itself out because of stops. At stops you can go to where u feel like you should be. But always remember some of the new and NOT so new guys can have a problem at anytime. No one gets left behind!(without making sure help or tow is on the way)
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