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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. my house was built in 1862. Theres no hope for me lol.
  2. it sux,but to keep this old house warm its an easy $400 a month. Now its only $170
  3. space heaters FTW! I live in my bedroom and computer room in the winter and all heated by space heater. My house heater is set to 45 so the pipes dont freeze. I wear full ski gear to leave my bedroom,but the benergy bill thanks me lol
  4. lol yea. PM me if u want the site. I dont want to make it slower by flooding it with traffic lol
  5. this Movie website is freeking awsome!
  6. just watched it. Good movie,but doesnt top idiocracy
  7. watching it now on the web! I love this free movie website!
  8. i used it with just a normal map(not mapped for fuel)and i could feel it for sure. I have used VP and it didnt make a huge diff,but the this fuel did! Its fairly cheap to at like $6 a gallon.
  9. Maybe i should tell the owner that lol.
  10. gixxie750

    101 0004

    nice frame?????
  11. whats that mean casper? That what the site says?
  12. gixxie750

    Bio Weapon!

    Just wanted to let u guys know about this new Race gas that i am using. Its made out of Turkey fat and its some good stuff. They are not open yet,but will launch in 2010 selling race gas to the market. I used some at CMP and it worked great and the smell is really great lol. CHECK THEM OUT! BWfuel.com
  13. ??????????????:confused::confused:
  14. gixxie750


    Love the open subframe! Nice TLS man!
  15. i'm still camera dumb,but how soes it screw to my cam? Is that a just a cap on the threads?
  16. u will need a chain rivet tool. U can use the chain breaker tool to press the plate on then u need a rivet tool to rivet the link.
  17. dam MJ! You get a crowd when u want to have lunch!
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