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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. Why is always a good question. Because it winter?
  2. i have a gas tank that can be tested. Also a 07 gsxr frame.
  3. hope its cool i started a thread casper.
  4. Should they be taxed like the rest of us? Not a fight on belief but more on the amount of money we are talkin. This stems from my income taxes i have paid and the super huge muti million $ church they are building near me.
  5. well somehow they have so much money they can build these multi millon doller churches. Non profit orgs are not as wide spread and they prob dont have 2million $ parking lots lol
  6. So how long and how often do we really need to change oil? If u just changed filters would the gunk never build up?
  7. IDK,but its green and is SUPER thick like dish soap.
  8. Shaffers FTW! I use the additive in my bike and cars/trucks and love the shit!
  9. Think it would be cool to start a poll on what people think about taxing churches? Is it too much of a fire starter?
  10. Weak battery or bad starter??? I have NEVER had starter problems on a bike yet. In a car i would say get a new starter.
  11. if he would have just changed the break in oil i bet it would look 1/3 as bad. This is stupid even for me..
  12. Speaking of taxes and religion... Our national dept would go away if they just taxed churches. I mean they are buildn a 3.2 million $ church down the road from me and they spent 9 mill on the property and earth work. Churches of all kinds need to be taxed like anything else.
  13. speed differential is the main factor here. A buggy going 6mph on a 55mph road is not safe even with a pro driver.
  14. Anytime you turn down a chick its cheating on urself!
  15. just make sure you go to the beach.
  16. i bet the amish have some kill fresh hippie juice. They are wrone we are right,its obvious this is about their beliefs..
  17. It deff feels like a job and so far i've had to pay to work there lol. It is a funny thing owning a forum. Its by far been real real fun and good,but the work to get it going never ends it seems.
  18. Yea its real fun to take a huge rig and drive it slow UP a hill to look for buggies at night. There is 1 sign on the road that i have seen. either way letting a 5mph buggy run at night with 1 Little blinking light near the bottom of the carrage isnt safe even if there were 10 signs.
  19. Your telling me! Sheesh its allot of work!
  20. I have dealt with the buggys allot going to mid-o and back. They are crazy scary because of the hills u climb on those roads. We were fully loaded with 4 bikes in the 18'trailer and 5 people in the 3/4 ton van at night crested a hill and bam there was a buggy. There was a car coming the other way,but they slowed enought to let fit around the buggy. Had that car been a semi the buggy would be history and i dont even want to know what its like to rear end a hore at 55mph. As for buggy DUI i think the horse is really the driver and he wants to live so he can get the drunk man home lol.
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