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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. I just got to play with a razr. Looks better in person, but I still am not a fan of Blur. It is cool that they added proxy settings, where vanilla android still doesn't have the option.
  2. I saw an interview of some rally driver last year that used to race group b, when they asked him how it compares to the old group b cars, he just laughed and said it's nothing like it. Wish I could remember who it was. MOAR
  3. With a garage like some of those, who even needs a house? I'd be perfectly happy living in those. I guess you can say those are more like drive-in homes. http://blogs-images.forbes.com/morganbrennan/files/2011/10/0auG5WT9Nh0F9_3249.jpg nice civil war collection fag
  4. Nova is one of my favorite placed to eat in Delaware, just saying.
  5. I'd like to see some more info about that. I believe he has a GT28 powered car, which there are plenty of them around. Not trying to discredit his car, because from what I remember it was a VERY nice car, but I'm a little skeptical of it being the fastest one in the US. If it is, then that's pretty fucking cool. Here is an old article on Ozz's car http://www.audiworld.com/news/06/audi-9-seconds-in-poland1/ Some other pics I found on audizine: http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd137/jrock3032/carbondash.jpg http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd137/jrock3032/dash3.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1883/s4killer.jpg I believe he is still the only person with a stock 2.7L that has been in the 9s. Random vid Then there's the jagermeister S4 And VR6 powered S4
  6. Last time I heard, this is the highest HP B5 S4 and he's in Poland. http://www.audiworld.com/news/06/audi-9-seconds-in-poland1/OzzS4_A003.jpg
  7. Thank god for Clarkson, one less hybrid owner on the road.
  8. http://phandroid.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/vzw-big3.jpg
  9. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/the-hump-dar-28.jpg?w=499&h=318 http://i.imgur.com/4S7WX.png http://i.imgur.com/0kVNj.jpg
  10. Video of Marc and Jones... http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/77658-3/Transvestite_truck.gif?
  11. :lolguy::dumb::lolguy::dumb::lolguy::dumb::lolguy::dumb::lolguy::dumb::lolguy::dumb::lolguy::dumb:
  12. It does have a MANual transmission... OOHHHHH I WENT THERE
  13. Thanks, much appreciated. Fuck you!
  14. Will you bring me an extension chord? My laptop battery is fuxed.
  15. I caught a bit of one where they were trying to capture this one hill that was suppose to be very important from a strategic point of view. After a long battle, the Americans captured the hill and the VC just ran off. Making the hill useless so the US abandoned the hill. I think it was nicknamed "Hamburger Hill" because of the machine gun fire.
  16. The nexus' dock is rumored to have hdmi. I'm so glad they brought the gold connectors back to the nexus line, it's so nice to just be able to set my N1 into it's dock (car or desktop), without having to plug it in. Not having a removable SD card is a bummer, but I don't think I've ever taken the SD card out of my nexus...so I think I can deal with it. I too am doubtful about the Razr, it looks awkwards, it's a motorola...but from everything I've been hearing, it sounds like a good piece.
  17. There's one problem solved, lol.
  18. Some of you high rollers on here should buy this. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-GTAm-Tribute-Race-Street-Car-Fresh-Restoration-Coupe-One-Kind-/180748077947?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item2a156ccb7b http://www.kumberamotors.com/inventory/596/26387.jpg http://www.kumberamotors.com/inventory/596/26174.jpg http://www.kumberamotors.com/inventory/596/26435.jpg
  19. Nicely done on calling James' name and not Clarkson's. I'm jelly. In for pics. I would ask them tell me how terrible my car is, aka review it, since they never did one on the B5 S4.
  20. Like Cosworth even knows anything about engines. :gabe: #1 reason I didn't go bigger than K04's was that I didn't have to deal with replacing rods. There was some fool on audizine with a single that was talking shit a while back, didn't he end up getting his ass handed to him by a k04 car? I believe so.
  21. Is there a way to even go single without cutting a slit in the radiator?
  22. Might as well throw some 2.8 heads on there, and go 3.0L :fuckyeah: Good luck, keep us updated.
  23. HABABALAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Features/2011/04/Mortal%20Kombat%20Week/History%20of%20MK/0034--article_image.jpg
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